"Array of common values of the non-empty arrays"-question

Hello. I have a question:

I have 4 ui-spinners (which are blank Indeterminate: true) and 4 empty Arrays.
changing a spinner fills up an Array.

for example 3 spinner have a value:

	Marr = #(1,2,3,4,5)
	Rarr = #(3,4,5,6,7,8)  /*just changed */
	Larr = #()
	Tarr = #(4,5,6)

I want to create a 5th Array which contains all the common values of the non-empty arrays

    ComArr = #(4,5)  

with 2 Array i can do:

	ComArr = #()
	If Marr.count >= 1 do (
		Locarr = #()
		for j=1 to Marr.count do (
			N = findItem Rarr Marr[j] 
			if (N != 0) do (append Locarr Marr[j])
		ComArr = Locarr
		ComArr = Rarr

But with multiple Array, you get a long list of findItem-expresions

Is there another way?


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miauu's picture


You can use something like this(be sure to not include the empty bitarrays)

	Marr = #{1,2,3,4,5}
	Rarr = #{3,4,5,6,7,8}
	Larr = #{}
	Tarr = #{4,5,6}
	ComArr = Marr * Rarr * Tarr
Ralf's picture

Sorry, it is not so long as i

Sorry, it is not so long as i thought:

Marr = #(1,2,3,4,5)
Rarr = #(3,4,5,6,7,8)  
Larr = #()
Tarr = #(4,5,6)
ComArr = #()
Free ComArr
If Marr.count >= 1 do (ComArr = Marr)
if Rarr.count >= 1 do (
	Locarr = #()
	for i=1 to Rarr.count do (
		N = findItem ComArr Rarr[i] 
		if (N != 0) do (append Locarr Rarr[i])
	ComArr = Locarr
if Larr.count >= 1 do (
	Locarr = #()
	for i=1 to Larr.count do (
		N = findItem ComArr Larr[i] 
		if (N != 0) do (append Locarr Larr[i])
	ComArr = Locarr
if Tarr.count >= 1 do (
	Locarr = #()
	for i=1 to Tarr.count do (
		N = findItem ComArr Tarr[i] 
		if (N != 0) do (append Locarr Tarr[i])
	ComArr = Locarr

still, if someone knows a better way (appendIfNOTUnique) i would like to learn :)

AEI's picture

if the data are positive

if the data are positive integer , miauu had told you the best method
if not , you must travel all elements , no way else
for more elegant code , you could use two-dimensional array and function to travel

fn GetArrayAinB Asel Bsel =
	if Asel.count == 0 or Bsel.count == 0 then
	for i in Asel where finditem Bsel i > 0 collect i
sel[1] = #(1,2,3,4,5)
sel[2] = #(3,4,5,6,7,8)  
sel[3] = #()
sel[4] = #(4,5,6)
for i = 1 to sel.count where sel[i].count > 0 do
	comarr = sel[i]
	for j = i + 1 to sel.count where comarr.count > 0 and sel[j].count > 0 do
		comarr = GetArrayAinB comarr sel[j]

Automatic Efficient Intelligent

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AEI's picture

if the data are positive

if the data are positive integer , miauu had told you the best method
if not , you must travel all elements , no way else
for more elegant code , you could use two-dimensional array and function to travel

fn GetArrayAinB Asel Bsel =
	if Asel.count == 0 or Bsel.count == 0 then
	for i in Asel where finditem Bsel i > 0 collect i
sel[1] = #(1,2,3,4,5)
sel[2] = #(3,4,5,6,7,8)  
sel[3] = #()
sel[4] = #(4,5,6)
for i = 1 to sel.count where sel[i].count > 0 do
	comarr = sel[i]
	for j = i + 1 to sel.count where comarr.count > 0 and sel[j].count > 0 do
		comarr = GetArrayAinB comarr sel[j]

Automatic Efficient Intelligent

We change the work state

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