Attaching same named objects

How can I attach all the objects having same name in a scene??


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kimarotta's picture

try this.objs = for i in

try this.

objs = for i in objects collect i
for z in objs do
	for o in objs where z != o do 
		if == then
			z.attach o z
			nProv = finditem objs o
			if nProv != 0 then deleteitem objs nProv
3d Artist  

Goonda's picture


Thanks Kimarotto....I checked the forum today...but before that I have written something like this...please check:

for o in geometry do
if classof o == editable_poly do
append newworking o

i = 1

while i <= newworking.count do
b = newworking[i]
j = i + 1
while j<= newworking.count do
if (newworking[j].name == then
b.attach (newworking[j]) b
deleteItem newworking j
select b
weldverts b
j = j +1

i = i + 1

miauu's picture

For Editable_Poly objects.

First select the object to hich will be attached other objects.

b = selection[1]
for o in geometry where (o != b and == do b.attach o b
Goonda's picture

Thanks miauu.....But for this

Thanks miauu.....But for this to work I need to select a object manually....i need to do this for all the objects in the scene.....where I don't have to know which objects to select.

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