autoexposure toggle button

hi, this is a very basic question, but I'm trying to make a button that alters the autoexposure state of vray.
I have the code to turn it on and pressing it again turns it off, but I would like the same button to work as a toggle.
So with the button on the autoexposure mode would be true and with the button off the autoexposure mode would be false.
Would it be possible to improve the code so that the button is somehow checked when the exposure state is true and the button is unchecked when the auto exposure is false?

if (renderers.current.camera_autoExposure == true) then (renderers.current.camera_autoExposure = false) else (renderers.current.camera_autoExposure = true)

what would the complete code


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miauu's picture


Try this:

macroscript miauuVrayCameraAutoExposure
	on isChecked do
		if hasProperty renderers.current #camera_autoExposure do renderers.current.camera_autoExposure
	on execute do
		if hasProperty renderers.current #camera_autoExposure do
			renderers.current.camera_autoExposure = not renderers.current.camera_autoExposure
kino_unico's picture

thanks, but this script does

thanks, this script works perfect

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