AutoKey - Animation Converter(Dev)
Hi, i'm trying to remake AutoKey script, it's currently able to copy from one object to another - exact same XYZ position key's.
But problem is that i have a rigged skeleton with animation and it has about 30+ bones and script can't work with more then 2 objects( 1 without anim and 2 with anim)
This is what i was able to do
on alignSource pressed do ( ( sticks = #() append sticks $ ) for i = 1 to sticks.count do (global object1 = sticks[i] objNames = for obj in selection collect objNames = makeUniqueArray objNames uniObjs = objNames as string AlignSource.text = uniObjs ) ) on alignDest pressed do ( ( vecs = #() append vecs $ ) for i = 1 to vecs.count do (global object2 = vecs[i] objNames = for obj in selection collect objNames = makeUniqueArray objNames uniObjs = objNames as string alignDest.text = uniObjs ) ) )
The result is same(working with 1 selecetion on each menu) only change is that
object's that where seleceted are displaying in text box.
But if there is more then 2 objects selected i get this error.
If you can help with it please, i waisted a lot of time on this issue and ruined a project because of time it taked.
Seems transform function
Seems transform function can't be used because it's transform with position of an object and after that it deletes anim keys, but i need just to rotate along the object(to be able properly transfer animation).
Anyway guys thx for help, but big thx goes to
I just figured it out how to use that for my script and here is result.
hi DolVai ... hmm... do you
hi DolVai ...
do you need to keep the original position after baking keys ?
it's still using transform function... :
anyway, if you found the best code as you need than this method... just use that ;)
barigazy Any update on this
Any update on this ?
Only problem is remains in this part
coordsys local object1.rotation = y - x
I can simply make counter for object1[i].rotation = object2[i].rotation, but because it's not in world local, the result is far from what it should be like.
hi ... try this
hi ...
try this one:
it's great for the rotation technique ;)
another ways..
you can put a rotation first then a pos if need it, such:
Thx but if you look in script
Hello, Thx for reply, but if you look in script controller functin allready is used,
Here is what i have
but its far from what i should be
just wondering, your goal is
just wondering, your goal is align dummy to bone. is it right ?
hmm.. the case is similiar with baking animation tools
I have some method, a snipet from my old script
you can apply it into dummy to dummy, box to dummy or etc...
without making you dizzy thinking about PRS controller
Thx will try.
Thx a lot i think it works just perfect
Only issue is that - it deletes not all objects in selection.
Hey Budi
The main problem is that bones have X-axis for normal direction and other object have Z-axis for dir.
BTW shorter version of your code wil be
yep, you're right ... I did
yep, you're right ...
I did not look into the whole case before :)
Here is result
But i still can't figure out how to make same thing for orientation, maybe someone will help me out again ?
If i try to add arr count'er to object1[i].rotation = y -x i get error
-- Unknown property: "rotation" in SubAnim:Visibility
If i i add counter for arr1
like here
for i = 1 to arr1.count do arr1[i].rotation = y - x
the result give me for example Box001 orientation transferred to both box003 and box004, but should be Box1 to box3, box2 to box4, like for translation.
How to make this working ?, it would be realy good tool for animation transfering , if it would has this option.