BBF script
I refer to the autodesk website,
basically it says that there is this script called BBF used with regards to opening 3ds max 2008 file in 3ds max 9 by importing and exporting...I wonder if anybody can give me this script as i cannot find it here...thx..
hi this is hardik from india
hi this is hardik from india i m basically cgartist.
ya i tried to do that but i really confused any other way .actully my prob is i have rigged chracter in max 2008
and now in my company there is max 9 so how i impoer that rigged chracter in max 9
hey can we use this script
hey can we use this script with max 2009
Download / extract the RAR
Download / extract the RAR file for BFF 2007. From within 3ds Max 2008 go to MAXScript / Run Script and select the file '' that you just downloaded / extracted...
Now the script is installed into Max and you just need to activate it. FYI all scripts work this way, so learning this will enable you to try all kinds of new scripts! :-) ... Go to Customize / Customize User Interface. This menu lets you take commands and assign them to a toolbar, a menu, the quadmenu (right click menu) or keyboard shortcuts... Personally, I put most of the scripts I don't use much in a new menu called "Favorite Scripts" but you can put it anywhere you want. So, for instance, if you wanted to put it on the main toolbar, say in the empty space to the right of the render button just click the "Toolbars" tab. Change the "Category" drop down to "Bobo_s Tools" and drag and drop the "BFF_Exporter" entry onto the empty space on your toolbar (you'll see the cursor change when you're exactly to the right of the icon but not too far) and let go... You'll see an icon for BFF now on the toolbar and just close the Customize UI screen and hit the BFF button... That should be it!
This probably sounds kinda hard right now, but once you understand what the Customize UI window is for, the whole process is really quick and easy...
Christopher Grant
okie...I go try it now...thx
okie...I go try it now...thx alot!!
FYI the "2007" naming on the
FYI the "2007" naming on the updated BFF doesn't correlate to a 3ds Max version. Its the year the script was updated. Scripts are typically backwards and forwards compatible (to a point of course) so you can run BFF 2007 on both Max 9 and Max 2008 and for the matter probably on Max 6, 7 & 8 too...
Christopher Grant
Then how do i install the
Then how do i install the script?
Correct. Your teacher will
Correct. Your teacher will not be able to open a 2008 file in Max 9. I'd try the 2007 version of BFF first as its the most recent.
Note that most methods of getting data from a newer version of Max to an older version will lose something. For instance, you can export to Autodesk FBX format which can work well for animation but you'll lose your modifier stack. BFF is a sort of hybrid solution as it actually exports your entire scene as little script files and then rebuilds your scene in the older version. BFF can preserve many of your modifiers but whether its the perfect solution for you largely depends on the scene. Give em both a shot and see what works best for you.
Christopher Grant
lostinspace - welcome to
lostinspace - welcome to ScriptSpot!
The script you're looking for is referred to as BFF aka "Bobo's File Format" ... I haven't used it in a while but I know there are 2 versions floating around.
BFF-2007 is an update by Raúl Ortega Palacios that supposedly fixes some path issues that occurred in 3ds Max 9. You might want to try starting with this one first as it was updated last year...
BFF - is the link to the original script that Bobo (the author of BFF) wrote.
Christopher Grant
hmm...ok... so which one
so which one should i use if i need to open 3ds max 2008 file in 3ds max 9?
The reason why I need to do so is because I am currently doing a school project using 3ds max. My school uses 3ds max 9 but I am using 3ds max 2008 on my laptop. So i guess there would be an error if my teacher were to open my submitted file.