beginner DotNet : Resize the image button

Hi all :)

After thinking and banged my head against the wall for hours, I ask a question like a true beginner in dotNet:

How do I resize an image that fit with the button?

I did this, but I'm sure it's wrong ...

try (destroydialog :: t) catch()
rollout t "Test button donet"
	Global Sel_Bitmap
	button bt "Load Image..." 
	dotNetControl dnc "" width:128 height:128 
		on bt pressed do
          --- set measure image to fit measure dotNetControl  (I think wrong way)
                Sel_Bitmap = selectbitmap()
		Bitma = bitmap 128 128
		local temp_new_bitmap_filename = (getDir #preview +"/Temp.bmp")
	        local new_bitmap = bitmap 128 128 filename:temp_new_bitmap_filename
		nb = copy Sel_Bitmap new_bitmap
		save new_bitmap
	-- Copy the bitmap and pass it to dotNet
	   setClipboardBitmap  new_bitmap
	   -- dotNet clipboard object.
	   local clipboardObj = dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard"
	   -- Get the image from the clipboard into a dotNet image object.
	   local imgObj = clipboardObj.GetImage()
	   local thumb = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Image" imgObj
		dnc.image =  thumb
		close new_bitmap
		free  new_bitmap
		deleteFile temp_new_bitmap_filename
		clipboardObj = undefined
		imgObj = undefined
		gc light:true
--- barigazy Label Events 
		on dnc mouseup arg do 
		case arg.Button of 
			(arg.Button.Left): display Sel_Bitmap
createdialog t 200 200 

Any help?



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barigazy's picture


try (destroydialog :: t) catch()
rollout t "Test button donet"
	fn defLbl dnLbl = 
 		dnLbl.BackColor = dnLbl.BackColor.dimgray
 		dnLbl.TextAlign = dnLbl.TextAlign.MiddleCenter
		dnLbl.Text = "load image"
		dnLbl.BackgroundImageLayout = dnLbl.BackgroundImageLayout.Stretch
	local Sel_Bitmap = undefined
 	button bt "No Image..." pos:[5,5] width:128 height:18
	dotNetControl dnc "Label" pos:[5,30] width:128 height:128 
	on t open do defLbl dnc
	on bt pressed do
		if isKindOf (Sel_Bitmap = selectbitmap()) bitmap do
			_BMP = (dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" Sel_Bitmap.filename)
			dnc.text = "" ; dnc.BackgroundImage = _BMP
	on dnc mouseup arg do 
		case arg.Button of 
			(arg.Button.Left): display Sel_Bitmap
			(arg.Button.Right): (Sel_Bitmap = dnc.BackgroundImage = undefined; dnc.text = "No Image")
createdialog t 138 300


Michele71's picture

thanks for the example. you

thanks for the example. you can explain quickly? I have learned something, but not everything... :)

Thanks again

fajar's picture

rome isnt built in one night

rome isnt built in one night sir....step by step, little by little. Everyone does.

Michele71's picture

Yeah fajar, you have right.

Yeah fajar, you have right. Step by step :)

barigazy's picture


try (destroydialog :: t) catch()
rollout t "Test button donet"
	fn defLbl dnLbl = 
 		dnLbl.BackColor = dnLbl.BackColor.dimgray
 		dnLbl.TextAlign = dnLbl.TextAlign.MiddleCenter
		dnLbl.Text = "load image"
		dnLbl.BackgroundImageLayout = dnLbl.BackgroundImageLayout.Stretch
	fn defRect w h = (dotNetObject "System.Drawing.RectangleF" 0 0 w h)
	local Sel_Bitmap = undefined
 	button bt "No Image..." pos:[5,5] width:128 height:18
	dotNetControl dnc "Label" pos:[5,30] width:128 height:128 
	on t open do defLbl dnc
	on bt pressed do
		if isKindOf (Sel_Bitmap = selectbitmap()) bitmap do
			_BMP = (dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" Sel_Bitmap.filename)
			dnc.text = "" ; dnc.BackgroundImage = _BMP
	on dnc mouseup arg do 
		case arg.Button of 
			(arg.Button.Left): display Sel_Bitmap
			(arg.Button.Right): (Sel_Bitmap = dnc.BackgroundImage = undefined; dnc.text = "No Image")
createdialog t 138 300


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