bitmap filename problem

txt +="bitmap yunuss \"yunuss\" pos:[100,80] width:124 height:124 fileName:((getDir #scripts) + \"\\FastMorph\\normal.JPG\")"

how isnt my image normal.JPG showing up in bitmap yunus frame


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Ofer Zelichover's picture

Hi, Are you using execute


Are you using execute to execue the txt string?

If so, you're missing a couple of \ in you string. It should be:

txt +="bitmap yunuss \"yunuss\" pos:[100,80] width:124 height:124 fileName:((getDir #scripts) + \"\\\\FastMorph\\\\normal.JPG\")"

I don't know what you're trying to do with this, but as a general rule, using execute is not recommended, and should be avoided if possible.

hOpe this helps,


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