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Body object tesselator
Try this!
rollout bodyObjectTesselator "Body object tesselator" width:264 height:350
radioButtons rdoDispOp "Display options" pos:[10,10] width:291 height:30 labels:#("Mesh","Curves","Both") default:3 columns:3
groupBox grpMQP "Mesh Quality Presets" pos:[10,60] width:243 height:75
button btnCoarse "Coarse" pos:[20,85] width:69 height:16
button btnMedium "Medium" pos:[97,85] width:69 height:16
button btnFine "Fine" pos:[173,85] width:69 height:16
button btnSuperFine "Super Fine" pos:[20,110] width:69 height:16
button btnUltraFine "Ultra Fine" pos:[97,110] width:69 height:16
button btnExtremeFine "XF" pos:[173,109] width:69 height:16
groupBox grpMS "Manual settings" pos:[10,146] width:243 height:135
spinner spnFAA "Face Approx Angle:" pos:[30,170] width:201 height:16
spinner spnEAA "Edge Approx Angle:" pos:[30,190] width:201 height:16 range:[0,100,0]
spinner spnFD "Face Distance %:" pos:[30,210] width:201 height:16 range:[0,100,0]
spinner spnED "Edge Distance %:" pos:[30,230] width:201 height:16 range:[0,100,0]
spinner spnMEL "Max Edge Len. %:" pos:[30,250] width:201 height:16 range:[0,100,0]
button btnApply "Apply Settings" pos:[10,288] width:243 height:35
on btnCoarse pressed do
spnFAA.value = 30
spnEAA.value = 0
spnFD.value = 1
spnED.value = 0
spnMEL.value = 0
on btnMedium pressed do
spnFAA.value = 15
spnEAA.value = 0
spnFD.value = 0.1
spnED.value = 0
spnMEL.value = 0
on btnFine pressed do
spnFAA.value = 10
spnEAA.value = 0
spnFD.value = 0.02
spnED.value = 0
spnMEL.value = 0
on btnSuperFine pressed do
spnFAA.value = 10
spnEAA.value = 10
spnFD.value = 0.015
spnED.value = 30
spnMEL.value = 30
on btnUltraFine pressed do
spnFAA.value = 5
spnEAA.value = 5
spnFD.value = 0.01
spnED.value = 10
spnMEL.value = 10
on btnExtremeFine pressed do
spnFAA.value = 3
spnEAA.value = 3
spnFD.value = 0.005
spnED.value = 5
spnMEL.value = 5
on btnApply pressed do
if $ != undefined then
--for i in geometry where classof i == Editable_Poly do
for i = 1 to selection.count do
for j in selection where classof j != body_object do
deselect j
for k = 1 to selection.count do
selection[k].FaceApproxAngleVDS = spnFAA.value
selection[k].EdgeApproxAngleVDS = spnEAA.value
selection[k].FaceChordHeightVDS = spnFD.value
selection[k].EdgeChordHeightVDS = spnED.value
selection[k].MaxEdgeLengthPctVDS = spnMEL.value
--selection[k].DisplayRadioVDS = 1
selection[k].DisplayRadioVDS = rdoDispOp.state
createdialog bodyObjectTesselator