bottom that control a slide

sorry for my bad english,
Who knows how to create a script like this?

I added in attirbute holder a slide and 2 bottoms
I would like that using the first bottom the slide go to value 0 and if I clik the second bottom the slide go to value 100 without move the slide manually...
How can I do that???

Many thanks!



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barigazy's picture

One more example

testCA = attributes SlideControls
	parameters test rollout:testroll
		ctrl1 type:#integer ui:sld
		ctrl2 type:#integer ui:spn
	rollout testroll "MinMax Slide"
		slider sld "" orient:#horizontal ticks:2 range:[0,1e2,0] width:150
		spinner spn "Value:" range:[0,1e2,0] 
		button btnmin "Min" across:2
		button btnmax "Max"
		on sld changed val do spn.value = val
		on spn changed val do sld.value = val
		on btnmin pressed do sld.value = 0
		on btnmax pressed do sld.value = 100
testObj = Dummy name:"CA_Helper"
CustAttributes.add testObj testCA #Unique --BaseObject:false


jos's picture

If something isn't clear just

If something isn't clear just ask...

--caTest = custAttributes.getDef $.'Attribute Holder'.test
--attributes test
caTest=attributes test
	parameters params1 rollout:ctrls
		testVal type:#float ui:(sliTest,spnTest) 
	rollout ctrls "test"
		local range=[0,100,0]
		button btnLeft "0" align:#left across:2
		button btnRight "100" align:#left 
		slider sliTest "slider" range:range align:#right ticks:0
		spinner spnTest range:range align:#right
		on btnRight pressed do
			testVal = 100
		on btnLeft pressed do
			testVal = 0
custAttributes.add $.modifiers[1] caTest

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