Cage creation script

Trying to make my cage creation faster and easier for Xnormal from 3ds max.

1.It must clone the object -working-
2.Change the name, add _Cage -working-
3.Add push modifier, controlled by spinner -working-
4.add edit normal modifier, select all normal and unify -in progress-
5.add reset xForm -to do-
6.Collapse all -to do-

So I have no idea how to select all face once my edit_normal modifier has been apply. If anyone has idea. I just need a little push :P .

here is what i have thus far

rollout MainMenu01 "Cage Creator" width:300 height:300
group "Lowpoly"
pickButton PickedObject "Pick Lowpoly" pos:[75,25] width:150
label theObject "-- none --"

group "setting"
spinner CageScale "Cage Scale" type: #float range: [0, 1000, 0] width:75

button CreateCage "Create Cage" enabled:false

local thePickedObject

on pickedObject picked objectPickedByUser do
theObject.text =
thePickedObject = objectPickedByUser
CreateCage.enabled = true

on CreateCage pressed do
obj = thePickedObject
new_obj = copy obj = +"_Cage"

select new_obj
max modify mode
addmodifier new_obj (Push ())
new_obj.Push.Push_Value = CageScale.value
max select none

select new_obj
max modify mode
addmodifier new_obj (Edit_Normals ())



createDialog MainMenu01


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barigazy's picture


Great ;)


voyageur200's picture

Was able to finish the script

Was able to finish the script before the post get publish. Will post soon :P

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