Change Vray material properties on selected objects

I have a question about a litttle script that changes several Vray material properties at once. The current script I'm using changes all materials in the scene and works fine, but it would be very helpful to have the same script work on selected objects. A former colleague helped me with the original script. I can't figure this out by myself. I find the script very helpful when setting up a Vray-scene and I just change, add or disable properties as needed.

Any help would be highly appreciated!:)

	fn doif mat=
		if classof mat==vraymtl then
			format "navn %\n"
			mat.reflection=color 255 255 255
			mat.reflection_subdivs = 16
			mat.texmap_bump_multiplier = 5
			mat.texmap_bump = VRayEdgesTex ()
			mat.texmap_bump.widthType = 0
			mat.texmap_bump.thickness = 0.1
	for i in scenematerials do
		if classof i==multimaterial then
			for j in i.materialList do
				doif j
		else if classof i==vraymtl then
			doif i

Thanks in advance!


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Leamus's picture

Wow, thanks, this will be so

Wow, thanks, this will be so helpfull! Works like a charm!

barigazy's picture


As you see now you are not limited to multimaterial and default vrMat.
This work for any case. I mean nested vrMat.


Leamus's picture

Genius, thank you!

Genius, thank you!

barigazy's picture


Try this

	fn doif mat=
		format "navn %\n"
		mat.option_traceReflection = mat.reflection_fresnel = on
		mat.reflection_glossiness = 0.8
		mat.reflection = white
		mat.reflection_subdivs = 16
		mat.texmap_bump_multiplier = 5
		mat.texmap_bump = VRayEdgesTex widthType:0 thickness:.1
	if selection.count > 0 do
		for o in selection where o.mat != undefined do
			material = getClassInstances vraymtl target:o.mat
			if material.count != 0 do for m in material do doif m


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