Changing slider value causes moving bones?

Hi guys. Could you help me with a simple line in script for my custon attribute. I`m looking for how to make the bones  move  when I changing slider value. Or maybe you can request something else. The final point is to set up a face emotions with slider in cust. att.For  example, one slider is responsible for "suprised" and other slider - "angry"

slider angrySl "Angry" align:#left range:[0,100,0]

on angrySl  changed val do


BrowR_x = ? -- what should I put here to have a dinamic val. changing (from 0 to 7, for example)while i moving my slider angrySl





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Andrew Salov's picture

Cool! It works for me as i

Cool! It works for me as i want. Thank`s

fajar's picture

...its not bone but pos

...its not bone but pos (example box selection)...

$box.pos.x=val..... .x mean for x axis....

simple but youve got the idea, right?

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