Check or Uncheck - Save Render Mesh - Body Objects

I am lookig for a script that knows to turn off/on the perameter SAVE RENDER MESH in RENDER APPROXIMATION dialog of Body object for multiple objects. (nurbs importet objects)

A time ago I have modified this scipt:

and now as another person who commented this script looking to this feature. I would like to keep all other settings in render approximation dialog, just only control to save or not save the mesh.

Thank you.


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Maarten's picture

Use Dotnet

If I understand correctly (correct me if I'm wrong) you would like to know how to change the SAVE RENDER MESH option in the RENDER APPROXIMATION dialog (nurbs importet objects).

I did this some time ago in my export/import script.

I explained how I did that here:

Hope it helps.

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