Compare Smoothing Groups

Hi all, hopefully an easy one here...

-- The short --

I'm looking to compare two polygons' smoothing groups, received as "bitwise integers" (eg. 12 = '001100'… = smoothing groups 3 and 4... and 5 = '101000' = smoothing groups 1 and 3) to see if they have any activated bits in common. Any ideas how to do this?

-- The Long -- (if the above wasnt enough info)

I'm trying to make a script which selects all "hard edges" (an edge where its face-neighbours do not share a smoothing group). I'm stuck on the "share a smoothing group" part...

So I've successfully got two faces' smoothing groups (using polyOp.getFaceSmoothGroup), which returns, from what ive read a "bitwise integer" eg. 001001… = smoothing groups 3 and 6

But I'm not sure how to compare these bitwise integers...

So I guess I'm looking for a way of writing function "SharesSG" in this:

Face1SGs = polyOp.getFaceSmoothGroup(someObject 1)
Face2SGs = polyOp.getFaceSmoothGroup(someObject 2)
if SharesSGs(Face1SGs, Face2SGs) == true do
-- ... blah

Many thanks in advance for your time


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mikemike37's picture

please ignore above :)

sorry, answered my own question! admin, please feel free to delete this post!

SharesSG 5 10
fn SharesSG a b = (
	CommonSGs = bit.and a b
	if CommonSGs > 0 then
		(return true)
		(return false)

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