convert solar Date

I have retrieved the solar Date from the daylight system. But it returns an offset from the summer solstice. So for the 22nd of June it returns 1 and for the 20th of June it returns -1.

Does anybody know how I can convert this information in to a Julian date (21/06/10) or retrieve the values in the actual daylight system control parameters


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Amneloris's picture


My algorithm is not very complicated,
gets the number of days between 2 dates and then adds (subtracts) the number of day given by Solar_Date
Then, just completed

Amneloris's picture


I've do it ^^

I give you it in 5 minute...

Graph's picture

dont work withe dayLight

dont work withe dayLight system so ill just point you to a possible solution ;)

Daylight : System

in the maxScript help

<Daylight_Slave_Controller>.solar_time Float -- subAnim[3]
The solar time expressed as an integer value of seconds since midnight. To calculate the hours, minutes and seconds, you can use the following function:
fn TimeFromSolarTime dlSystem =
  local solar_time = dlSystem.controller.solar_time.controller.value
  local hrs = int solar_time -- full hours in the solar_time value
  local min = int((solar_time-hrs)*60.0) -- full minutes in the difference between the full time and the full hours
  local sec = int((solar_time-hrs-min/60.0)*3600 + 0.5) -- full seconds in the rest of the value
  return #(hrs,min,sec) -- return the result as a 3 elements array
TimeFromSolarTime $Daylight01
<Daylight_Slave_Controller>.solar_date Float -- subAnim[4]
The solar date represents the days offset from June 21st, the date of the Summer Solstice. You should access the .solar_date.controller.value to get the correct value as a Float.

so why not rework the TimeFromSolarTime fn to work withe .solar_date ctrl?

Raphael Steves

Amneloris's picture

Same Problem

I'm working on DayLight System,
And i have de same problem.

hard to convert Solar_date to (MM/JJ/AAAA).

I've found Algo on the web, but, cause i work with a CallBack Fn, i want the conversion was simply.

If anybody can Help please.
(Sorry for my English..... I'm stranger...)

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