Convert Text to Array

How to convert text "1,3,5-12" to array #(1,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) ?


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Yog's picture

barigazy, your code works

barigazy, your code works well - Thanks!

miauu, does not works correct. We have only #(1, 3, 5, 15, 18, 22). String "-" doesnot want converted to "..", it converts only to "." , because it increase string.count in cycle.

miauu's picture


I wrote my code using 3dsMax 2014 and it works correctly.
Watch the video:

Yog's picture

Yes - it works in 2014 but

Yes - it works in 2014 but not in 2010.

miauu's picture


Yep. In 3dsMax 2010 it not works. AD should tells why.

Yog's picture

and it is interesting..for

and it is interesting..for example in this theme: i have opposite problem - in 2010 works well, in 2013 - not works extrude with spinner correctly )

miauu's picture


As one friend of mine said once - "this is max my friend, this is max"

miauu's picture


Am ugly solution :)

	str = "1,3,5-12,15,18,22-25"
	for s = 1 to str.count where str[s] == "-" do str[s] = ".."	
	str = "#{" + str + "}"
	arrayVal = (execute str) as array
Yog's picture

Convert Text to Array

How to convert text "1,3,5-12" to array #(1,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) ?

barigazy's picture


Try with this function

fn convertStringToArray string =
	array = #()
	if (numA = filterstring string ",").count > 1 do
		for i in numA do
			if (e = i as number) != undefined then append array e else
				if (numB = filterstring i "-").count == 2 do
					if (f = numB[1] as number) != undefined and (s = numB[2] as number) != undefined do
						for j = f to s do append array j
	) ; array
convertStringToArray "1, 3, 5-12, 21-23"


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