Converting uint to RGB

Hi everybody, Newb here I'm afraid, that is new to MaxScript, quite experienced scripter. I need to convert a value (uint) to a color to store it in a bitmap. I would normally use bitshift for this and was glad to see it's supported, though I haven't found a usage example. Here's my code:

scaledValue = raw.x * scaler -- large uint, for example 230056

r = bit.and(bit.shift scaledValue 16) 0xFF
g = bit.and (bit.shift scaledValue 8) 0xFF
b = bit.and scaledValue 0xFF

I do get a color, and no errors, but not the right color. 

Any ideas?



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theMightyAtom's picture

Solved! the 16 and 8 need to

Solved! the 16 and 8 need to be minuses, I was shifting the wrong way, "<<" instead of ">>"

Where there's a will, there's a workaround :O)

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