Copy file A to B

I try to copy file from place A to place B, I tough it should be dead easy like
copy from "c:/temp/my.text" to "d:/temp/my.text" but it's not so easy.
I have to copy 3dsmax.ini file, first check where it is(is usually under user/appdata etc so I cant use straight path because user name path) then copy this ini to "c"\temp" and I have to do with one more file, then I must delete oryginal ini. I'm not skilled in maxscript so I want keep code as simple as possible. I would be grate full some clue, I already search in max help but I don't get how to do it. It's really simple operation. The code is below but it doesn't work.

fn getFilesRecursive root pattern =
dir_array = GetDirectories (root+"/*")
for d in dir_array do
join dir_array (GetDirectories (d+"/*"))
my_files = #()
for f in dir_array do
join my_files (getFiles (f + pattern))
-- get filepath for 3dsmax.ini
INIname=getFilesRecursive "c:/users" "3dsmax.ini"

-- name for new folders

-- check if 3dsmax ini exist, if exist then do
INIexistmd=INIname as string
if INIexistmd=="#()" then
-- if txt file don't exist then
messagebox "There is no ini file to copy"
---- create openlog
messagebox "start"

--create directory
makeDir @"C:\temp\1" all:false all:false
makeDir @"C:\temp\2" all:false all:false
-- copy files
copyFile INIname mdfilepatA
copyfile INInameb mdfilepatB
--deleteFile oryginal ini file
deletefile INIname
deletefile INInameb



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barigazy's picture


Can you simplify question.
Are you want to find all *.ini files from maxroot folder and move them to newly created folder


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