Creating an array of unique geometry

I'm trying to generate an array that has all geometry in my scene, minus duplicates of instanced objects. I don't want to remove all instanced geometry, I'd like to have one copy of the instance(s) in my array. The point being I want to apply changes to obj properties and vray properties of all the geometry in my scene, but I don't want to cycle back through 1000 instances to apply the same settings, as it then propagates those changes 1000 times and my script runs very slowly.

I tried to re-purpose some existing functions from the soulburn scripts library as I didn't feel like reinventing the wheel (though I renamed them incase I needed to edit them so they didn't conflict with the originals), but when my script finishes and I select the original array, it's right back to having all the geometry including all instances in it. Can someone give me a hand and tell me what I've missed? This is just the fn's and the portion of the larger script that deals with making the Array in question:

Another note, looking at it, this looks like an incredibly convoluted route to get to something as simple as the array I need, any suggestions on a simpler method would be much appreciated.

fn YSlibCopyArray a =
local b = #()
if a.count != 0 then
for i = 1 to a.count do
append b a[i]
return b
show b "returned as b"

fn YSlibGetInstancesOfObject Obj =
a = #()
if (refs.dependents Obj.baseobject).count != 0 then
for i = 1 to (refs.dependents Obj.baseobject).count do
if (refs.dependents Obj.baseobject)[i] != Obj then
if iskindof (refs.dependents Obj.baseobject)[i] (classof Obj) then
append a (refs.dependents Obj.baseobject)[i]
return a

fn YsLibRemoveIndexesFromArray a indexes =
local a = YsLibCopyArray a
local b = YsLibCopyArray indexes
if b.count != 0 then
sort b
for i = 1 to b.count do
deleteitem a b[i]
for w = 1 to b.count do
b[w] -= 1
return a

fn YsLibRemoveItemFromArray a item =
b = YsLibCopyArray a
if b.count != 0 then
delete_array = #()
for i = 1 to b.count do
if b[i] == item then append delete_array i
b = YsLibRemoveIndexesFromArray b delete_array
return b

fn YSlibRemoveItemsFromArray a items =
local a = YSlibCopyArray a
local b = YSlibCopyArray items
if b.count != 0 then
for i in b do
a = YSlibRemoveItemFromArray a i
return a

fn YSlibRemoveInstancesOfObjFromArray a Obj =
local b = YSlibCopyArray a
if Obj != undefined then
toRemove = YSlibGetInstancesOfObject Obj
b = YSlibRemoveItemsFromArray a toRemove
show b.count
return b

select geometry

GArray = geometry

Show GArray.count


show "cleared"

for obj in GArray do
yslibremoveinstancesofobjfromarray GArray obj
show garray.count
show garray.count


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barigazy's picture


If you want to isolate only geometry objects then use:

for obj in geometry as array where not isKindOf obj TargetObject do 
--the rest of the code


barigazy's picture

Try this code

uniqueNodesArr = #()
for obj in objects do 
	InstanceMgr.GetInstances obj &instancesArr
	if instancesArr.count == 1 then append uniqueNodesArr obj
		if uniqueNodesArr.count == 0 then append uniqueNodesArr obj
			findInst = (for i in uniqueNodesArr where finditem instancesArr i != 0 collect true).count
			if findInst == 0 do append uniqueNodesArr obj
for i in uniqueNodesArr do print


xXDambielXx's picture


Thanks for the quick reply and improved code, that's way better than what I had.

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