CSV import and visibility control

I imported coordinates from a CSV file and at every point I created a box. I want to control visibility by hiding one box at every frame. THe code I have so far is attached below. If this can not be done then I would love someone to direct me on how to import a point and create a box there at every keyframe until all points imported.
Thanks in advance

theFilename = getOpenFileName types:"Comma Separated Values (*.CSV)|*.CSV|All Files (*.*)|*.*"
if theFilename != undefined do ( --if a valid filename picked
    local theFile = openFile theFilename --open the file
    while not eof theFile do ( --loop until the end of file
	Box pos:(Point3 (readValue theFile) (readValue theFile) (readValue theFile))
Select $box*
animationrange = interval 1 selection.count
!REG3XP1!>startTime = 0
endTime = selection.count
nthFrame = 1
for i in selection do
	for t in startTime to endTime by nthFrame do (
    animate on at time t (
		if i=t then
	i.visibility = False


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The import part looks fine, but the anim part...
First some notes - in the loop "for i in selection..." the "i" variable hold Node, while in second "for t ...", "t" hold TimeValue, so comparision like "i=t" has no sense :)
And the whole question is a bit unclear... You want to animate the visibility. If it in a time row like - box1 is invisible at time 0 and visible in time 1 and to the end of the animation, t.e. only 2 anim keys; next - 2nd obj (box2) is invisible as well and become visible at time 2, and so on, then...

arrBoxes = $box* as array -- created boxes
-- set the animation range
strTime = 0; endTime = arrBoxes.count
animationRange = interval 1 endTime
-- create vis.controller + add it to the 1st box
cntr = arrBoxes[1][1].controller = bezier_float()
-- add + setup 2 keys
addNewKey cntr 0; cntr.keys[1].value = 0 -- off
addNewKey cntr 1; cntr.keys[2].value = 1 -- on
-- in the loop by time index,
-- assign a Copy (not instance) of the vis.cntrl
-- to each box and just move it keys:
for i = 2 to endTime do
	c = arrBoxes[i][1].controller = copy cntr
	moveKeys c i


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