Delete Duplicates (same polycount)

Hi all,

I want to remove all duplicate objects from a scene, I want to find the duplicates by comparing polycount of all objects.

When I've found the polycount of each object i want to group all objects with same polycount together and delete all but 1 of them. Should be simple, i am having trouble building an array with all duplicate objects in it though...

My code is attached below, throws no errors but doesn't add any objects to #(duplicates) array. My code does determine polycount for all objects and puts it in objs_info array.

Any help will be greatly appreciated, thank you!

delete_duplicates_4.ms1.08 KB


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robox's picture

Hi Marten, did you find a

Hi Marten,

did you find a solution on this? Im in a need for a similar script, unfortunately all script i tried so far didn`t checked the polycount for the duplicates, so there were sometimes objects deleted, which weren`t real duplicates but share the same position. Àny help on
this would be great.



miauu's picture


I don't know why you want first to group the objects with the same polycount and then to delete all but one, but...

	select geometry
	deselect helpers
	objsArr = selection as array
	objsByFaceCountArr = #()
	i = 0
	while objsArr.count != 0 do
		i += 1
		tmpArr = #(objsArr[i])
		facesNum1 = (getPolygonCount objsArr[i])[1]
		deleteItem objsArr i
		for j = objsArr.count to 1 by -1 do
			facesNum2 = (getPolygonCount objsArr[j])[1]
			if facesNum1 == facesNum2 do
				append tmpArr objsArr[j]
				deleteItem objsArr j
		append objsByFaceCountArr tmpArr
	--	"group the objects"
	for arr in objsByFaceCountArr do 
		group arr
	--	"delete all but 1"
	for arr in objsByFaceCountArr do
		delete (for i = 2 to arr.count collect arr[i])

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