Detecting Max object types

I think a really simple question. Writing a script that manipulates Max text objects - including changing the text. For error checking i need to be able to tell if the selected object is a text object. If it's a mesh object like Sphere001, or Plane001, the script will die as


is undefined for those object types.

I'm looking for a conditional test that i can wrap around all my text control commands.

if ($ is a text object) then
do all the text stuff
warn user to select text object



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barigazy's picture

to continue

other conditional tests:

if getclassname selection[1] == "Text" do...

You can also use unique text shape properties for checking like

obj = selection[1] -- define variable selection
if isProperty obj "kerning" do...
if isProperty obj "leading" do...


barigazy's picture

to collect all text "stuffs" ;)

if selection.count != 0 do
	if iskindof (txt=selection[1]) text then
		local props = getpropnames txt
		for i = 1 to props.count do format ("$""."+props[i] as string + " = %\n") (getProperty txt props[i])
	else messageBox "You need to pick text shape first!" title:"Warning" beep:off

Then open the listener to see the result


miauu's picture

if classof $ == text then

if classof $ == text then ...
if isKindOF $ text then ...

or you can use

	if classof $.baseobject == text then ...
	if isKindOF $.baseobject text then ..
coyote808's picture


This forum is really a huge help to newbies. The Max Script docs are complete but there's so much detail. It's hard to know what to search for.

Thanks again - to both responders!


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