Displaying Custom Attributes
I'm trying to add some custom attributes to the objects in my scene so I can write them out as a text file. Here's my problem. I enter a value for the custom attribute on box01, I select box02 and enter something else. When I go back to box01, I can't see the value I entered for it's CAs. Is there a way to get the custom attribute rollout to display the values on the object already?
Here's my code:
FloodData = attributes FloodDataV_1
parameters main rollout:params
floodclass type:#string
dotxfile type:#string
rollout params "Game Parameters"
edittext class_txt "Class:"
on class_txt entered ctxt do floodclass = ctxt
edittext dotxfile_txt "X file:"
on dotxfile_txt entered dtxt do dotxfile = dtxt
Well I think I found the
Well I think I found the problem. I needed to add the ui: option to the parameter declaration so they would talk to each other.