Dot / Comma Problem
I do have a problem in the MAXScript editor regarding the use of "." and ",".
E.g. I am doing some cloth modeling with garment maker, and there is the command: "$.garmentMaker.generateDescription()". It is used to buffer the transforms of the garment panels, so that you can make changes to the underlying splines and then just evaluate the description to rearrange the panels. It generates something like this:
$.modifiers[#garmentmaker].setDensity 0,000000 $.modifiers[#garmentmaker].setSeamTolerance 0,060000 $.modifiers[#garmentmaker].setPanelMatrix 1 (matrix3 [1,000000, 0,000000, 0,000000] [0,000000, 1,000000, 0,000000] [0,000000, 0,000000, 1,000000] [0,000000, 0,000000, 0,000000] ) $.modifiers[#garmentmaker].setFlatPanelMatrix 1 (matrix3 [1,000000, 0,000000, 0,000000] [0,000000, 1,000000, 0,000000] [0,000000, 0,000000, 1,000000] [0,000000, 0,000000, 0,000000] ) $.modifiers[#garmentmaker].setPanelMatrix 2 (matrix3 [1,000000, 0,000000, 0,000000] [0,000000, 1,000000, 0,000000] [0,000000, 0,000000, 1,000000] [0,000000, 0,000000, 0,000000] )
and so on...
My problem here ist, that the values are all with commas and not dots. For some reason my computer formats it like that.
And of course a point3 value like:
[0,1 , 0,23 , 0,4] instead of [0.1 , 0.23 , 0.4]
does throw errors when evaluated.
This makes the whole timesaving pointless, when I have to manually edit the code.
I do have a similar issue when I use visual maxscript to edit a rollout, after editing it will convert most of the dots to commas.
Does anyone know how to solve this? I am using a german keyboard and OS, but switching it to EN did not help...
Mhm okay thanks for the hint,
Mhm okay thanks for the hint, I guess I should switch to 3ds Max 2011 ASAP. I had some serious cloth simulation problems recently in 2010, all in all I wasted almost 3 days on trying to fix my simulation that showed unexpected errors. Then I simply had to find out that simulating in 2011 at at friend fixed all my problems instantly...
Hehe, I don't really care for soccer (which in germany, right now, is kinda hard to admit). But we listened to the game on radio and it really was fun to hear ;D
I don't think that is going to happen again in the next decades or so...
Best regards and thanks
Never get low & slow & out of ideas
It seems you're using
It seems you're using Max2010. The visual maxscript editor is bugged, and it does that kind of crap with your scripts. They fixed it in 2011. I don't know any solution for that, but I think I saw a thread in the area ( regarding this problem.
Anyway, if I have to work with the visual maxscript editor I always copy the body of the rollout and edit it in a new fresh windows, because even with previous (or 2011) version, sometimes the editor scraps your code. It's good to always take a look at the code you get from visual mxs editor.
so you're german.... well I was born in argentina. No further comments for the 4-0
...just kidding,
best regards
It worked, thank you :) !!
It worked, thank you :) !! Still I have a minor issue with rollouts, maybe someone knows about how to fix that.
After I edit a rollout in Visual Maxscript and save it, it creates some extra lines, which contain the last value of the line above.
I have to manually delete those everytime, whick kinda sucks : / Any ideas why this happens?
Never get low & slow & out of ideas
check your regional setting
check your regional setting in windows