Dropdown List of objects in scene

Creating a dropdown list that displays the objects in the scene?


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Michele71's picture

This is a great help ;)

This is a great help ;)

Budi G's picture

check this.. :) rollout

check this.. :)

rollout drop_roll "Drop Down List"
 local obj_array = #()
 button updt "update" offset:[10,0]
 dropdownlist obj_dd "Objects :" offset:[0,-20] items:#()
	fn update_objs =
	   obj_array = objects --as array
	   obj_dd.items = for i in obj_array collect  i.name
 on drop_roll open do update_objs()
 on obj_dd selected i do select obj_array[i]
 on updt pressed do update_objs() -- update list, if object has been deleted or added again in scene
createDialog drop_roll

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