Edit Poly vertex Collapse with Scale (Scale vertices). Thanx Miauu

How to make as well as in this video for script?


scale $.selectedVerts [0,0,0] does not work :(


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miauu's picture
Nik's picture

Just cool!

I'm happy :) Thanx

Nik's picture


JUST WELL DONE Thank you for this work and spent time on me.

images.jpg 9.45 KB
miauu's picture

Send me the scene with the

Send me the scene with the teapot and I will find where the problem is.

I've also noticed that sometimes pressing the Collapse button in modify panel(executing the sctip code also) not collapse all verts(some of they stays in places).

Nik's picture

here please

file attached

teapot_with_edit_poly_ver._max_2010_.max 828 KB
miauu's picture


	curO = modPanel.getCurrentObject()
	if classof curO == Edit_Poly do
		allVertsBA = curO.GetSelection #Vertex
		if allVertsBA.numberset != 0 do
			centerPos = [0,0,0]
			for v in allVertsBA do 
				vPos = curO.getVertex v
				centerPos.x += vPos.x
				centerPos.y += vPos.y
				centerPos.z += vPos.z
			centerPos /= allVertsBA.numberset
			curO.SetOperation #Transform
			curO.ScaleSelection  [1e-005,1e-005,1e-005] parent:(transMatrix centerPos) axis:(transMatrix centerPos)
			curO.Commit ()
	if classof curO == Editable_Poly do
		local poGetVert = polyop.getVert
		local poSetVert = polyop.setVert
		allVertsBA = polyop.getVertSelection curO
		if allVertsBA.numberset != 0 do
			centerPos = [0,0,0]
			for v in allVertsBA do 
				vPos = poGetVert curO v
				centerPos.x += vPos.x
				centerPos.y += vPos.y
				centerPos.z += vPos.z
			centerPos /= allVertsBA.numberset
			for v in allVertsBA do
				poSetVert curO v centerPos
miauu's picture


With Edit Poly modifier:

$.modifiers[1].ButtonOp #CollapseVertex

Or if you wants to do it with the scale:

	allVertsBA = $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetSelection #Vertex
	centerPos = [0,0,0]
	for v in allVertsBA do 
		vPos = $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].getVertex v node:$
		centerPos.x += vPos.x
		centerPos.y += vPos.y
		centerPos.z += vPos.z
	centerPos /= allVertsBA.numberset
	$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetOperation #Transform
	$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].ScaleSelection  [1e-005,1e-005,1e-005] parent:(transMatrix centerPos) axis:(transMatrix centerPos)
	$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Commit ()

What you mean by attached object?

Nik's picture

Sorry does not work

with scale:

-- Unknown property: "modifiers" in $selection

Moreover, when try to repeat the code obtained from MAXscript Listener, all turns out the same way.


$.modifiers[1].ButtonOp #CollapseVertex

not working properly too.

error.gif 102.49 KB
Nik's picture

Oo, thanx miauu but...

But I realized that I had to do it this way


For me this for the time being difficult. Please help
And even to the same how this will be with attached objects.

Thanx for response.

miauu's picture


Try this:

polyop.collapseVerts $ (polyop.getVertSelection $)

Works only with editable poly objects

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