Edit Spline -> Fillet Button

I want to make a toolbar with the Fillet Button.

This is the macroscript:
MacroScript ESpline_Fillet
enabledIn:#("max", "viz") --pfb: 2003.12.12 added product switch
Category:"Editable Spline Object"
internalCategory:"Editable Spline Object"
Tooltip:"Fillet (Spline)"
-- Needs Icon
--On IsEnabled Return Filters.Is_EditSpline()
On IsVisible Return Filters.Is_EditSpline()

On Execute Do
if subobjectlevel == undefined then max modify mode
if subobjectlevel != 1 then subobjectlevel = 1
Try(ApplyOperation Edit_Spline Splineops.StartFillet)Catch(MessageBox "Operation Failed" Title:"Spline Editing")


I could put this to work in a normal button with this code:
on btn_Fillet pressed do
if subobjectlevel == undefined then max modify mode
if subobjectlevel != 1 then subobjectlevel = 1
Try(ApplyOperation Edit_Spline Splineops.StartFillet)Catch(MessageBox "Operation Failed" Title:"Spline Editing")

But I want it to work the same way it work in the Edit Spline modifier (button pressed the filled is on, button not pressed the fillet is off).

Someone could help me?
Sorry for my terrible English.


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stenionet's picture

The code:rollout FilletTool

The code:
rollout FilletTool "Fillet Spline" width:162 height:300
checkButton ckb_Fillet "CheckButton" pos:[31,23] width:81 height:32

on ckb_Fillet changed state do

if state == on then (
if subobjectlevel == undefined then max modify mode
if subobjectlevel != 1 then subobjectlevel = 1
Try(ApplyOperation Edit_Spline Splineops.StartFillet)Catch(MessageBox "Operation Failed" Title:"Spline Editing")
toolmode.commandmode = #move
createDialog FilletTool

Now I want that the button go to uncheck mode when I click in other button.

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