Edit Text Ghost Text



Hi everyone....

is there any way to make the editText when I open the dialog something "search..." appear in editext text but when I try to enter the editText those text  Search is dissapear....yes like "Search" editText in the scriptspot top right corner.


Best regard





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fajar's picture

Hi , barigazy , thanks for

Hi , barigazy ,

thanks for answering the question, but I believe I ever seen it once , once upon long ago , something like that , but not using the dotNet tho....I believe something about editText properties being played by the programer.

but hey thanks for the answer , ill try yours too.
Still looking for the .visible properties in it. I cant make it visible and invicible

best regard


PS: any other idea, using editText properties?

barigazy's picture

If you want to see different

If you want to see different keyValues use this script


barigazy's picture

Yep.Using dotnet

Yep.Using dotnet textbox

rollout sbRollout "SearchBox" width:210 height:30
	dotNetControl textboxctrl "TextBox" pos:[5,5] width:200 height:18
	on sbRollout open do
		textboxctrl.AcceptsReturn = true
		textboxctrl.AcceptsTab = true
		textboxctrl.WordWrap = false
		textboxctrl.Multiline = false
		textboxctrl.text = "Search..."
	on textboxctrl keydown arg do 
		if (arg.keyvalue == 13) do textboxctrl.paste("\r\n");
	on textboxctrl gotfocus arg do if textboxctrl.text == "Search..." do textboxctrl.text = ""
	on textboxctrl lostfocus arg do if textboxctrl.text == "" do textboxctrl.text = "Search..."
createDialog sbRollout


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