Editing Spline knots

Hi everyone!

In order to make a script that randomizes splines used for path constraint objects (that what i want does not work with pflow) .

I want to go through every Spline Knot and randomize its position

like this

addmodifier new_path (Edit_Spline ())
verts = numKnots new_path
for i=1 to verts do(
vert = getKnotPoint new_path 1 i
offs = random -pos_off.value pos_off.value
vert.x = vert.x + offs
vert.y = vert.y + offs
setKnotPoint new_path 1 i vert
updateShape new_path

but i found out, that the changes are made within the spline object and not within the modifier, how can i change that?

thanks in advance vor help


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Phasma's picture


Sometimes you suddenly notice that you think way to complicated!

just adding a noise modifier on every reference and changing the seed creates exacly what i want :-)

barigazy's picture

Is that simple :) Cheers,man!

Is that simple :)


Phasma's picture

Thank you very much!

But sadly this does not work for this purpose.
I still want to have the fredom to change the vertex positions of the master path. as the referenced paths will have a spline ik mod on them they will not update the vertex movement on the master path.. so i really need to put the random position offset into a new edit_spline modifier.

I am trying a new way now:

select new_path
modPanel.addModToSelection (Edit_Spline ()) ui:on
verts = numKnots new_path
subobjectLevel = 1
for i=1 to verts do(
setKnotSelection new_path 1 #(i)

in the for loop i just need a move selected knot funktioality. This way it is a bit slow to create (ui in max will flicker and stuff) but it recreates the workflow like you would do it by hand. I just need to move the selected knot now.

Any Ideas?

barigazy's picture


This MAXScriptHelp say:

"When setting a Knot selection using the setKnotSelection method, you are always affecting the base object - the EditableSpline at the bottom of the stack. It is not directly possible to set the sub-object vertex selection of a specific Edit_Spline modifier using this method. The selection flows up the stack through any existing Edit_Spline modifiers and changes the sub-object selections of all of them."

But you can try this:

theShape = splineShape name:"ZigZag"
addnewSpline theShape
xp = 20
for i = 0 to 9 do
	yp = if mod i 2 != 0 then -1 else 1
	addKnot theShape 1 #corner #line [i*xp,10*yp,0] 
updateShape theShape
sIKMod = Spline_IK_Control linkTypes:2 Box:off helper_cross:on helper_size:5
addModifier theShape sIKMod
sIKMod.Createhelper (sIKMod.getKnotCount())
if sIKMod.getHelperCount() != 0 do 
	for ph in sIKMod.helper_list do ph.name = uniquename (theShape.name+"_PH_")
for h = 1 to sIKMod.getHelperCount() do
	sIKMod.helper_list[h].pos += Point3 (random -10 10) (random -10 10) (random -10 10)
--uncomment this to delete all helpers
--delete $'ZigZag_PH_*'


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