Element length problem
Hi All,
I'm trying to write a maximum element filename. I'm really struggling with the greater than. I'm sure its something simple I'm missing. Anyone got any ideas?
r = maxOps.GetCurRenderElementMgr() r.GetRenderElement 1 elementlength = r.GetRenderElementFilename 1 print elementlength.count if elementlength as integer > 256 then ( print "fred" ) else ( print "geon" )
With this code you can print name and filename of all render elenents
Now to collect all elements where filename length is greater then 256 chars then use this.
Perfect!! That's not exactly
Perfect!! That's not exactly how I was thinking of fixing that problem but it works really well. Thank-you for your help. It for deadline rendering. We are having a problem with file paths over 256 characters.
Thanks, Again!
Can you explain a bit more or show some screehots.
I not understand what do tou mean by "maximum element filename"?
Not a problem. I've attached an image with the filepath I'm looking at counting and seeing if it is over 256 characters.