Explore a morpher

Hi all,

i would like to know how can i do to explore a morpher and extract the name and value of each channels pls ?

For now i have that: (but it crash)

for obj in $ do
    if (isProperty obj #morpher) == true do
        for chan in obj.morpher do
             /* print name and value of chan */

Any help pls ?


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barigazy's picture


In code below U have two fn's. One for finding modifieres by any class and second for printing Morpher channels data.

fn findModifier obj class: = if obj.modifiers.count > 0 do
	BooleanClass = off ; modifier = undefined
	for e in obj.modifiers while not BooleanClass where (BooleanClass = isKindOf e class) do modifier = e
fn printMorpherData = if selection.count > 0 do
	for node in selection where canconvertto node Editable_mesh and node.modifiers.count > 0 do
		if (modifier = findModifier node class:Morpher) != undefined do
			number = for i = 1 to 100 where wm3_mc_hasdata modifier i collect
				datapair name:(wm3_mc_getname modifier i) value:(wm3_mc_getvalue modifier i)
			if number.count == 0 then format "Object: % --> No channels data\n" node.name else
				format "Object: % --> Morpher channels data:\n" node.name
				for c in number do
					format "\tChannel Name: % | Channel Value: %\n" c.name c.value


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