False Algorithm

Hey ! I need help again ! I've finish my algorithm !!!! :D no error for run

But Attach_all_mesh and EXPORTATION are failed

Attach_all_mesh nothing happened

EXPORTATION 3ds max say me : --No ""+"" funtion for undefined in line 47

exportFile (exportfolderASE + (getFilenameFile maxFileName)+ suff + ".ase") #noPrompt


And the algorith :

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Attach_all_mesh =
			-------------- ATTACH ALL MESH 	--------------
					max select all 
					mtl = #() ; tmp = #() ; fin = #()
					sel = selection as array
					if sel.count == 0 then -- check selection
						messageBox "Erreur lors de l'execution du script s'il vous plait contactez Kasimashi"
					(	-- filter selection
						sel = for i in sel where classOf i == Editable_mesh \
							and i.material != undefined collect i
						if sel.count == 0 then
							messageBox "Aucun Mesh dans la séléction !!! " title:"Attacher les Mesh"
							for i in sel do
								appendIfUnique mtl i.material
							for m in mtl do
								tmp = for i in sel where i.material == m collect i
								append fin tmp
							undo on
								for i in fin do
									trg = i[1]
									deleteItem i 1
									for j in i do
										meshop.attach trg j attachMat:#IDToMat condenseMat:true
							$.name = "Model"-
							$.pos = [0,0,0]
-----------------------EXPORT SUFF ---------------------------------------
function EXPORTATION suff=
------------------- SCALE 1/88 FOR FREEWORLD LUNASTRA------------------------
	exportFile (exportfolderASE + (getFilenameFile maxFileName)+ suff + ".ase") #noPrompt
						-----------------------EXPORT GR2 + 3DS -----------------------
	scale $ [88,88,88]
	actionMan.executeAction 0 "311"  -- Tools: Zoom Extents All Selected
	saveMAXFile (exportfolder3DSMAX+ (getFilenameFile maxFileName) + suff + ".max")
	exportFile (exportfolder3DS +(getFilenameFile maxFileName)+ suff + ".3ds") #noPrompt using:exporterPlugin.classes[1]
	exportFile (exportfolderGR2 +(getFilenameFile maxFileName)+ suff + ".gr2")
-----------------------PLANE OVER FACE ---------------------------------------
function planesOverFaces obj orient = 
					local planeArr = #()
					local ev = polyop.getEdgeVerts
					local gv = polyop.getvert
					local gfe = polyop.getFaceEdges
					local gfsc = polyop.getSafeFaceCenter
					local gfn = polyop.getFaceNormal
					local allFaces = (obj.Faces as bitarray) as array
					for f in allFaces do
						getEdges = gfe obj f
						local sizeArr = #()
						for i in getEdges do
							append sizeArr (distance (gv obj (ev obj i)[2]) (gv obj (ev obj i)[1]))
						if orient == 0 then
						(w = amin sizeArr ; l = amax sizeArr)
						(l = amin sizeArr ; w = amax sizeArr)
						fc = gfsc obj f
						nf = gfn obj f
						xv = normalize (cross nf [0,0,1])
						yv = normalize (cross nf xv)
						thePlane = plane length:l width:w lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 name:(uniquename "collision_plane_")\
						isSelected:on wirecolor:(random black white) transform:(matrix3 xv yv nf fc)
						append planeArr thePlane
					select planeArr
-----------------------PLANE OVER FACE ---------------------------------------
-----------------------CREATE BOX AS CAGE ---------------------------------------
function createBoxAsCage obj = if isValidNode obj do
					local bb = in coordsys local nodeLocalBoundingBox obj
					local wX = abs((bb[1]-bb[2]).x) , lY = abs((bb[1]-bb[2]).y) , hZ = abs((bb[1]-bb[2]).z)
					local cage = convertToPoly (box width:wX length:lY height:hZ mapcoords:on name:"Cage" wirecolor:black)
					CenterPivot cage
					local tm = obj.transform
					tm.row4 = obj.center
					cage.transform = tm
					polyop.deleteFaces cage #{1,2}
					planesOverFaces cage (if wX < hZ then 0 else 1)
					delete cage
-----------------------CREATE BOX AS CAGE ---------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEBUT ALGORITHME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
try(destroyDialog ::bgaRoll)catch()
rollout bgaRoll "Lunastra Building Compiler • • •"
		local allFiles = #()
		label Help_1 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" align:"center"
		label Help_2 "Veuillez séléctionner votre répertoire contenant tout vos modèles à exporter" align:"center"
		label Help_3 "Ensuite cliquez sur le button exporter standard ou détruit suivant ce que vous voulez" align:"center"
		button btn_import "Selection du dossier" align:"center"
		label Help_4 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" align:"center"
		button btn_export_standard "Exporter Standard" align:"center"
		button btn_export_destroy "Exporter Détruit" align:"center"
		label Copyright "Create by Kasimashi for any problem contact : [email protected]" align:"center"
		on btn_import pressed do
			dir = getSavePath caption:"Select Folder" initialDir:#images
				 if dir != undefined do
					allFiles = getFiles (dir + "\\*.max")
					print allFiles
					-------------------------------- DECLARATION DES VARIABLES ---------------------------
					exportfolderASE = dir  + "\\" +"ASE"+"\\"
					exportfolderGR2 = dir  +  "\\" + "GR2"+"\\"
					exportfolder3DS = dir  +  "\\"+ "3DS"+"\\"
					exportfolder3DSMAX = dir  + "\\"+ "3DSMAX"+"\\"
					---------------------- CREATION DES REPERTOIRES S'IL N'EXISTE PAS ---------------
					if doesFileExist exportfolderASE  == false do (makedir exportfolderASE)
					if doesFileExist exportfolderGR2  == false do (makedir exportfolderGR2)
					if doesFileExist exportfolder3DS  == false do (makedir exportfolder3DS)
					if doesFileExist exportfolder3DSMAX  == false do (makedir exportfolder3DSMAX)	
		on btn_export_standard pressed do
			for f in allFiles do
					loadMAXFile f;
					max select all --select all objects
					delete (for o in objects where matchPattern o.name pattern:("*2_*") collect o)
					$selection.material = meditMaterials[1] --assign standard material
					$selection.wirecolor = black -- assign black color of wireframe
					viewport.SetRenderLevel #smoothhighlights
					actionMan.executeAction 0 "311"  -- Tools: Zoom Extents All Selected
		on btn_export_destroy pressed do
				for f in allFiles do
					loadMAXFile f;
					max select all --select all objects
					delete (for o in objects where matchPattern o.name pattern:("*2_*") and o.parent != undefined collect o.parent)
					$selection.material = meditMaterials[1] --assign standard material
					$selection.wirecolor = black -- assign black color of wireframe
					viewport.SetRenderLevel #smoothhighlights
					actionMan.executeAction 0 "311"  -- Tools: Zoom Extents All Selected
					EXPORTATION "_destroyed"
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIN ALGORITHME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
createDialog bgaRoll 500 200 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)


Comment viewing options

Select your preferred way to display the comments and click "Save settings" to activate your changes.
miauu's picture

This works, but I think that

This works, but I think that 3dsMax don't know how to export as .gr2 and only the GR2 folder is empty.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEBUT ALGORITHME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
try(destroyDialog ::bgaRoll)catch()
rollout bgaRoll "Lunastra Building Compiler • • •"
	-------------------------------- DECLARATION DES VARIABLES ---------------------------
		local exportfolderASE = undefined
		local exportfolderGR2 = undefined
		local exportfolder3DS = undefined
		local exportfolder3DSMAX = undefined
		local allFiles = #()
		label Help_1 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" align:"center"
		label Help_2 "Veuillez séléctionner votre répertoire contenant tout vos modèles à exporter" align:"center"
		label Help_3 "Ensuite cliquez sur le button exporter standard ou détruit suivant ce que vous voulez" align:"center"
		button btn_import "Selection du dossier" align:"center"
		label Help_4 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" align:"center"
		button btn_export_standard "Exporter Standard" align:"center"
		button btn_export_destroy "Exporter Détruit" align:"center"
		label Copyright "Create by Kasimashi for any problem contact : [email protected]" align:"center"
		----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		function Attach_all_mesh =
			-------------- ATTACH ALL MESH 	--------------					
			max select all 
			mtl = #() ; tmp = #() ; fin = #()
			sel = selection as array
			if sel.count == 0 then -- check selection
				messageBox "Erreur lors de l'execution du script s'il vous plait contactez Kasimashi"
			(	-- filter selection
				sel = for i in sel where classOf i == Editable_mesh \
					and i.material != undefined collect i
				if sel.count == 0 then
					messageBox "Aucun Mesh dans la séléction !!! " title:"Attacher les Mesh"
					for i in sel do
						appendIfUnique mtl i.material
					for m in mtl do
						tmp = for i in sel where i.material == m collect i
						append fin tmp
					undo on
						for i in fin do
							trg = i[1]
							deleteItem i 1
							for j in i do
								meshop.attach trg j attachMat:#IDToMat condenseMat:true
					$.name = "Model"
					$.pos = [0,0,0]
		-----------------------EXPORT SUFF ---------------------------------------
		function EXPORTATION suff=
		------------------- SCALE 1/88 FOR FREEWORLD LUNASTRA------------------------
			exportFile (exportfolderASE + (getFilenameFile maxFileName)+ suff + ".ase") #noPrompt
								-----------------------EXPORT GR2 + 3DS -----------------------
			scale $ [88,88,88]
			actionMan.executeAction 0 "311"  -- Tools: Zoom Extents All Selected
			saveMAXFile (exportfolder3DSMAX+ (getFilenameFile maxFileName) + suff + ".max")
			exportFile (exportfolder3DS +(getFilenameFile maxFileName)+ suff + ".3ds") #noPrompt using:exporterPlugin.classes[1]
			exportFile (exportfolderGR2 +(getFilenameFile maxFileName)+ suff + ".gr2")
-----------------------PLANE OVER FACE ---------------------------------------
		function planesOverFaces obj orient = 
			local planeArr = #()
			local ev = polyop.getEdgeVerts
			local gv = polyop.getvert
			local gfe = polyop.getFaceEdges
			local gfsc = polyop.getSafeFaceCenter
			local gfn = polyop.getFaceNormal
			local allFaces = (obj.Faces as bitarray) as array
			for f in allFaces do
				getEdges = gfe obj f
				local sizeArr = #()
				for i in getEdges do
					append sizeArr (distance (gv obj (ev obj i)[2]) (gv obj (ev obj i)[1]))
				if orient == 0 then
				(w = amin sizeArr ; l = amax sizeArr)
				(l = amin sizeArr ; w = amax sizeArr)
				fc = gfsc obj f
				nf = gfn obj f
				xv = normalize (cross nf [0,0,1])
				yv = normalize (cross nf xv)
				thePlane = plane length:l width:w lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 name:(uniquename "collision_plane_")\
				isSelected:on wirecolor:(random black white) transform:(matrix3 xv yv nf fc)
				append planeArr thePlane
			select planeArr
-----------------------PLANE OVER FACE ---------------------------------------
-----------------------CREATE BOX AS CAGE ---------------------------------------
		function createBoxAsCage obj = if isValidNode obj do
			local bb = in coordsys local nodeLocalBoundingBox obj
			local wX = abs((bb[1]-bb[2]).x) , lY = abs((bb[1]-bb[2]).y) , hZ = abs((bb[1]-bb[2]).z)
			local cage = convertToPoly (box width:wX length:lY height:hZ mapcoords:on name:"Cage" wirecolor:black)
			CenterPivot cage
			local tm = obj.transform
			tm.row4 = obj.center
			cage.transform = tm
			polyop.deleteFaces cage #{1,2}
			planesOverFaces cage (if wX < hZ then 0 else 1)
			delete cage
-----------------------CREATE BOX AS CAGE ---------------------------------------
		on btn_import pressed do
			dir = getSavePath caption:"Select Folder" initialDir:#images
			if dir != undefined do
				exportfolderASE = dir  + "\\" +"ASE"+"\\"
				exportfolderGR2 = dir  +  "\\" + "GR2"+"\\"
				exportfolder3DS = dir  +  "\\"+ "3DS"+"\\"
				exportfolder3DSMAX = dir  + "\\"+ "3DSMAX"+"\\"
				---------------------- CREATION DES REPERTOIRES S'IL N'EXISTE PAS ---------------
				if doesFileExist exportfolderASE  == false do (makedir exportfolderASE)
				if doesFileExist exportfolderGR2  == false do (makedir exportfolderGR2)
				if doesFileExist exportfolder3DS  == false do (makedir exportfolder3DS)
				if doesFileExist exportfolder3DSMAX  == false do (makedir exportfolder3DSMAX)
				allFiles = getFiles (dir + "\\*.max")
				print allFiles
		on btn_export_standard pressed do
			for f in allFiles do
				loadMAXFile f;
				max select all --select all objects
				delete (for o in objects where matchPattern o.name pattern:("*2_*") collect o)
				$selection.material = meditMaterials[1] --assign standard material
				$selection.wirecolor = black -- assign black color of wireframe
				viewport.SetRenderLevel #smoothhighlights
				actionMan.executeAction 0 "311"  -- Tools: Zoom Extents All Selected
		on btn_export_destroy pressed do
				for f in allFiles do
					loadMAXFile f;
					max select all --select all objects
					delete (for o in objects where matchPattern o.name pattern:("*2_*") and o.parent != undefined collect o.parent)
					$selection.material = meditMaterials[1] --assign standard material
					$selection.wirecolor = black -- assign black color of wireframe
					viewport.SetRenderLevel #smoothhighlights
					actionMan.executeAction 0 "311"  -- Tools: Zoom Extents All Selected
					EXPORTATION "_destroyed"
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIN ALGORITHME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
createDialog bgaRoll 500 200 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)
miauu's picture

The problem again is the

The problem again is the variables and where you defines them. Try this:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEBUT ALGORITHME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
try(destroyDialog ::bgaRoll)catch()
rollout bgaRoll "Lunastra Building Compiler • • •"
	-------------------------------- DECLARATION DES VARIABLES ---------------------------
		local exportfolderASE = dir  + "\\" +"ASE"+"\\"
		local exportfolderGR2 = dir  +  "\\" + "GR2"+"\\"
		local exportfolder3DS = dir  +  "\\"+ "3DS"+"\\"
		local exportfolder3DSMAX = dir  + "\\"+ "3DSMAX"+"\\"	
		local allFiles = #()
		label Help_1 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" align:"center"
		label Help_2 "Veuillez séléctionner votre répertoire contenant tout vos modèles à exporter" align:"center"
		label Help_3 "Ensuite cliquez sur le button exporter standard ou détruit suivant ce que vous voulez" align:"center"
		button btn_import "Selection du dossier" align:"center"
		label Help_4 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" align:"center"
		button btn_export_standard "Exporter Standard" align:"center"
		button btn_export_destroy "Exporter Détruit" align:"center"
		label Copyright "Create by Kasimashi for any problem contact : [email protected]" align:"center"
		----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		function Attach_all_mesh =
				-------------- ATTACH ALL MESH 	--------------
						max select all 
						mtl = #() ; tmp = #() ; fin = #()
						sel = selection as array
						if sel.count == 0 then -- check selection
							messageBox "Erreur lors de l'execution du script s'il vous plait contactez Kasimashi"
						(	-- filter selection
							sel = for i in sel where classOf i == Editable_mesh \
								and i.material != undefined collect i
							if sel.count == 0 then
								messageBox "Aucun Mesh dans la séléction !!! " title:"Attacher les Mesh"
								for i in sel do
									appendIfUnique mtl i.material
								for m in mtl do
									tmp = for i in sel where i.material == m collect i
									append fin tmp
								undo on
									for i in fin do
										trg = i[1]
										deleteItem i 1
										for j in i do
											meshop.attach trg j attachMat:#IDToMat condenseMat:true
								$.name = "Model"-
								$.pos = [0,0,0]
		-----------------------EXPORT SUFF ---------------------------------------
		function EXPORTATION suff=
		------------------- SCALE 1/88 FOR FREEWORLD LUNASTRA------------------------
			exportFile (exportfolderASE + (getFilenameFile maxFileName)+ suff + ".ase") #noPrompt
								-----------------------EXPORT GR2 + 3DS -----------------------
			scale $ [88,88,88]
			actionMan.executeAction 0 "311"  -- Tools: Zoom Extents All Selected
			saveMAXFile (exportfolder3DSMAX+ (getFilenameFile maxFileName) + suff + ".max")
			exportFile (exportfolder3DS +(getFilenameFile maxFileName)+ suff + ".3ds") #noPrompt using:exporterPlugin.classes[1]
			exportFile (exportfolderGR2 +(getFilenameFile maxFileName)+ suff + ".gr2")
-----------------------PLANE OVER FACE ---------------------------------------
		function planesOverFaces obj orient = 
			local planeArr = #()
			local ev = polyop.getEdgeVerts
			local gv = polyop.getvert
			local gfe = polyop.getFaceEdges
			local gfsc = polyop.getSafeFaceCenter
			local gfn = polyop.getFaceNormal
			local allFaces = (obj.Faces as bitarray) as array
			for f in allFaces do
				getEdges = gfe obj f
				local sizeArr = #()
				for i in getEdges do
					append sizeArr (distance (gv obj (ev obj i)[2]) (gv obj (ev obj i)[1]))
				if orient == 0 then
				(w = amin sizeArr ; l = amax sizeArr)
				(l = amin sizeArr ; w = amax sizeArr)
				fc = gfsc obj f
				nf = gfn obj f
				xv = normalize (cross nf [0,0,1])
				yv = normalize (cross nf xv)
				thePlane = plane length:l width:w lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 name:(uniquename "collision_plane_")\
				isSelected:on wirecolor:(random black white) transform:(matrix3 xv yv nf fc)
				append planeArr thePlane
			select planeArr
-----------------------PLANE OVER FACE ---------------------------------------
-----------------------CREATE BOX AS CAGE ---------------------------------------
		function createBoxAsCage obj = if isValidNode obj do
			local bb = in coordsys local nodeLocalBoundingBox obj
			local wX = abs((bb[1]-bb[2]).x) , lY = abs((bb[1]-bb[2]).y) , hZ = abs((bb[1]-bb[2]).z)
			local cage = convertToPoly (box width:wX length:lY height:hZ mapcoords:on name:"Cage" wirecolor:black)
			CenterPivot cage
			local tm = obj.transform
			tm.row4 = obj.center
			cage.transform = tm
			polyop.deleteFaces cage #{1,2}
			planesOverFaces cage (if wX < hZ then 0 else 1)
			delete cage
-----------------------CREATE BOX AS CAGE ---------------------------------------
		on bgaRoll open do
			---------------------- CREATION DES REPERTOIRES S'IL N'EXISTE PAS ---------------
			if doesFileExist exportfolderASE  == false do (makedir exportfolderASE)
			if doesFileExist exportfolderGR2  == false do (makedir exportfolderGR2)
			if doesFileExist exportfolder3DS  == false do (makedir exportfolder3DS)
			if doesFileExist exportfolder3DSMAX  == false do (makedir exportfolder3DSMAX)	
		on btn_import pressed do
			dir = getSavePath caption:"Select Folder" initialDir:#images
			if dir != undefined do
				allFiles = getFiles (dir + "\\*.max")
				print allFiles
		on btn_export_standard pressed do
			for f in allFiles do
					loadMAXFile f;
					max select all --select all objects
					delete (for o in objects where matchPattern o.name pattern:("*2_*") collect o)
					$selection.material = meditMaterials[1] --assign standard material
					$selection.wirecolor = black -- assign black color of wireframe
					viewport.SetRenderLevel #smoothhighlights
					actionMan.executeAction 0 "311"  -- Tools: Zoom Extents All Selected
		on btn_export_destroy pressed do
				for f in allFiles do
					loadMAXFile f;
					max select all --select all objects
					delete (for o in objects where matchPattern o.name pattern:("*2_*") and o.parent != undefined collect o.parent)
					$selection.material = meditMaterials[1] --assign standard material
					$selection.wirecolor = black -- assign black color of wireframe
					viewport.SetRenderLevel #smoothhighlights
					actionMan.executeAction 0 "311"  -- Tools: Zoom Extents All Selected
					EXPORTATION "_destroyed"
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIN ALGORITHME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
createDialog bgaRoll 500 200 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)

Keep the functions inside the rollout, otherwise they will become global. Did you read the Scope of variables topic in the maxscript help file?

Kasimashi's picture


Don't work :(


-- Compile error: Undeclared variable:  dir
--  In line: 		local exportfolderASE = dir  +

Without this error Attach all mesh don't work again :(

I've try to remake my script now this script work :p Edit : It had work 1 time now don't work but I've don't edit something in the script is strange !

try(destroyDialog ::bgaRoll)catch()
rollout bgaRoll "Lunastra Building Compiler • • •"
		local allFiles = #()
		label Help_1 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" align:"center"
		label Help_2 "Veuillez séléctionner votre répertoire contenant tout vos modèles à exporter" align:"center"
		label Help_3 "Ensuite cliquez sur le button exporter standard ou détruit suivant ce que vous voulez" align:"center"
		button btn_import "Selection du dossier" align:"center"
		label Help_4 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" align:"center"
		button btn_export "Export" align:"center"
		label Copyright "Create by Kasimashi for any problem contact : [email protected]" align:"center"
		local allFiles = #()
on btn_import pressed do
			dir = getSavePath caption:"Select Folder" initialDir:#images
			if dir != undefined do
				allFiles = getFiles (dir + "\\*.max")
				print allFiles
				---------------- DECLARATION DES VARIABLES ----------------------
			exportfolderASE = dir + "\\ASE\\"
			exportfolderGR2 = dir + "\\GR2\\"
			exportfolder3DS = dir + "\\3DS\\"
			exportfolder3DSMAX = dir + "\\3DSMAX\\"
				if doesFileExist exportfolderASE  == false do (makedir exportfolderASE)
				if doesFileExist exportfolderGR2  == false do (makedir exportfolderGR2)
				if doesFileExist exportfolder3DS  == false do (makedir exportfolder3DS)
				if doesFileExist exportfolder3DSMAX  == false do (makedir exportfolder3DSMAX)
on btn_export pressed do
	for f in AllFiles do
	loadMAXFile f;
	max select all --select all objects
	delete (for o in objects where matchPattern o.name pattern:("*2_*") collect o)
	$selection.material = meditMaterials[1] --assign standard material
	$selection.wirecolor = black -- assign black color of wireframe
	viewport.SetRenderLevel #smoothhighlights
			-------------- ATTACH ALL MESH 	--------------
					max select all 
					mtl = #() ; tmp = #() ; fin = #()
					sel = selection as array
					if sel.count == 0 then -- check selection
						messageBox "Erreur lors de l'execution du script s'il vous plait contactez Kasimashi"
					(	-- filter selection
						sel = for i in sel where classOf i == Editable_mesh \
							and i.material != undefined collect i
						if sel.count == 0 then
							messageBox "Aucun Mesh dans la séléction !!! " title:"Attacher les Mesh"
							for i in sel do
								appendIfUnique mtl i.material
							for m in mtl do
								tmp = for i in sel where i.material == m collect i
								append fin tmp
							undo on
								for i in fin do
									trg = i[1]
									deleteItem i 1
									for j in i do
										meshop.attach trg j attachMat:#IDToMat condenseMat:true
							$.name = "Model"
							$.pos = [0,0,0]
	$selection.material = meditMaterials[1] --assign standard material
	$selection.wirecolor = black -- assign black color of wireframe
	viewport.SetRenderLevel #smoothhighlights
	actionMan.executeAction 0 "311"  -- Tools: Zoom Extents All Selected
		------------------- SCALE 1/88 FOR FREEWORLD LUNASTRA------------------------
			exportFile (exportfolderASE + (getFilenameFile maxFileName)+ ".ase") #noPrompt
								-----------------------EXPORT GR2 + 3DS -----------------------
			scale $ [88,88,88]
			max tool zoomextents all
			saveMAXFile (exportfolder3DSMAX+ (getFilenameFile maxFileName)+ ".max")
			exportFile (exportfolder3DS +(getFilenameFile maxFileName) +".3ds") #noPrompt using:exporterPlugin.classes[1]
			exportFile (exportfolderGR2 +(getFilenameFile maxFileName)+".gr2")
createDialog bgaRoll 500 200 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)

Thanks for your help !



Comment viewing options

Select your preferred way to display the comments and click "Save settings" to activate your changes.