FBX position top level hierarchy object on 0,0,0 on export only

Hi guys,

do you know a plugin / FBX exporter which can reset the position of certain objects to world 0 / origin?

Background of this task is that I have files with multiple object sets which should be transferred to Unity in a certain way.

From an hierarchy point of view there are several "parent" point helpers with linked objects under it.

The objects should remain positioned in various areas in the Max scene to keep them visually seperated - but on export those parent point helpers (and all their child objects), each top level object to be clear, should be moved to 0,0,0.

Is there a more or less simple way to achieve this or maybe this already exists as a plugin or part of a plugin?

Thanks a lot ;)


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miauu's picture


Reseting the position of the desired objects manually is a solution or not?
For example, before to start the exporter select the objects which you want to be moved at world 0,0,0 and execute this:

	if selection.count != 0 do
		for o in selection do o.pos = [0,0,0]
        -- this also should work
        selection.pos = [0,0,0]

Then run the exporter, and when the job is done just UNDO(ctrl+Z) to put objects back to their initial positions.

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