Filein() problem with big data

I have an problem with filein() function, i try to load *.ms file(size 17KB) with main logic which contains only class definition, via macro, but debugger tells me some like: "class does not exist".

global The_QSubDTogg -- var for Instance of QuickSubDPreview struct
MsFolderPath = (symbolicPaths.getPathValue "$userScripts")+"\\DmitryG Tools\\QuickSubDPreview\\" -- Default Script folder Path
on execute do 
    if The_QSubDTogg == undefined do 
        local MsPath = MsFolderPath + ""
            if doesFileExist MsPath == false do 
                return (messageBox "Can't locate main script file\n=>Reinstall tool to fix it!")
            filein MsPath -- problem here
            The_QSubDTogg = QuickSubDPreview() -- make instance 

I tryed to put >sleep 1< function before making instance of class and problem is gone, but i think that is not universal solution(because it depends of meny factors: file size, PC speed, sleep function value, ect. ).
Maybe someone have idea how to solve it in another way?


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Dmitry Gubkin's picture

I found solution

I make instance of class inside of main script
and in macro do stuff

global The_QSubDTogg -- var for Instance of QuickSubDPreview struct
MsFolderPath = (symbolicPaths.getPathValue "$userScripts")+"\\DmitryG Tools\\QuickSubDPreview\\" -- Default Script folder Path
--Toggle SubDPreview
on execute do 
    if The_QSubDTogg == undefined do 
        local MsPath = MsFolderPath + ""
            if doesFileExist MsPath == false do 
                return (messageBox "Can't locate main script file\n=>Try Reinstall tool to fix it!" title:"Main Script Location Error")
        print ("Please Wait,Main Script Initializing...")
        local maxTime = timeStamp() + 20000 
            while ClassOf The_QSubDTogg == UndefinedClass do 
                   if timeStamp()>maxTime do-- time out if it needs more then 20 sec
                        return (messageBox "Time out,impossible to read main script file\nTry Reinstall tool to fix it!" title:"Time Out Error")
                    filein MsPath 

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