FTP Get Subfolder name
I have a FTP access (hostname, username, password).
I want to get the name of the unique folder (there is only one here) at the root like so:
Depends on the username, the folder has a different name, that's why I want to get it to copy some files in this one.
There is no access to write anything at this level.
In Python it's simple with the ftplib class:
from ftplib import FTP ftp = FTP('hostname') ftp.login('userName','password') ftp.retrlines('LIST') ftp.quit()
It prints out the folder name and some other information.
In dotNet, we have the class WebClient, FtpWebRequest, and FtpWebResponse. I'm confused with all these methods.
All I have so far can chek if the connection has succeeded or not, plus the "StatusDescription".
But it's not at all what I am looking for because I have to know the folder name at the start.
clearlistener() FTP = "ftp://hostname//folderName/" userName = "username" password = "password" theRemote = FTP + "test.zip" clsRequest = (dotNetClass "System.Net.FtpWebRequest").Create theRemote clsRequest.Credentials = dotNetObject "System.Net.NetworkCredential" userName password clsRequest.Method = "STOR" -- "LIST" try ( response = clsRequest.GetResponse() print (response.StatusDescription) response.Close() response.Dispose() print "Connected" ) catch ( print "Error" )
I found the solution
What cause error here and you need to use try-cache expression?
It's a way to know that you couldn't connect to the server.
Maybe there is a better method but I don't know it yet.