Get Smooth modifier Treshold

I've been trying to get the smooth modifier treshold value of the currently selected object but keep getting the error: -- Unknown property: "treshold" in smooth:Smooth

I am not sure what I am doing wrong as I looked up the 3ds max help file on the smooth modifier ( and found the same command i am using for getting/setting the smooth treshold value. I get the same error when using the following line of code instead (for obj in geometry do (print (obj.modifiers[#Smooth].treshold)))

The code I am running is a single line:

$.modifiers[#Smooth].treshold --get the smooth modifier treshold of the currently selected obj

And as afore mentioned the error is:

-- Unknown property: "treshold" in smooth:Smooth
-- MAXScript callstack:
--	thread data: threadID:1284
--	------------------------------------------------------
--	[stack level: 0]
--	In top-level

I've attached an image showing my maxscript listener/output window (I executed the line of code in the listener) and the modify panel showing the modifiers.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

listener_and_modifiers.png54.06 KB


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Maarten's picture

found my mistake

Turns out not all my objects had a smooth modifier applied..stupid mistake but did not think about that at the time.

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