Get vertices position from Line object and format the output string


I'm new to max scripting and I'm stuck at getting Line vertices positions, formatting the output and writing it to user properties of that object.
Here's the formatting I'm willing to have: x:"1.0" y:"1.0" z:"1.0" and It should be written to object's user properties (of course with real coords and not just 1.0)

And if possible, my Line is always consisted of two vertices, Is it possible to write left vertex position and right vertex position formatted strings separately?

Here's my approach to write into object's user properties:

for id = 1 to selection.count do
    selected_object = selection[id]
    Lcoords = --somehow add the formatted data here
    Rcoords = --somehow add the formatted data here
    setUserProp selected_object "Left Coords" Lcoords
    setUserProp selected_object "Right Coords" Lcoords

It is important to keep the formatting otherwise converting tool won't recognise the data and so will the engine.



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miauu's picture


	selObjsArr = selection as array
	for o in selObjsArr where (classOf o == line or classOf o == splineShape) do
		leftCoords = getKnotPoint o 1 1
		coordsToWrite = "x:\"" + (leftCoords.x as string) + "\" " + "y:\"" + (leftCoords.y as string) + "\" " + "z:\"" + (leftCoords.z as string) + "\""
		setUserProp o "Left Coords" coordsToWrite
		leftCoords = getKnotPoint o 1 2
		coordsToWrite = "x:\"" + (leftCoords.x as string) + "\" " + "y:\"" + (leftCoords.y as string) + "\" " + "z:\"" + (leftCoords.z as string) + "\""
		setUserProp o "Right Coords" coordsToWrite

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