Getting DISTANCE from objects array

Why it's dosent work ???
varElenments=geometry as array
-- varTape=undefined
for i = 1 to varElenments.count do
pName="Tape"+"_"+varElenments[i].name as string

varTape=tape pos: varCamera.pos target:(targetObject pos:varElenments[i].pos) name:pName
-- ishidden:on
append varIniDist varTape


for i = 1 to varElenments.count do

ter=distance varIniDist[i].pos varCamera.pos
distance CarrentCam.pos CarrentObj.pos
print ter


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miauu's picture


I don't know what are you trying to achieve, but to get the distance from camera to object you can use this:

	varElenments=geometry as array
	for i = 1 to varElenments.count do
		ter= distance varElenments[i].pos varCamera.pos
		print ter

In your code CarrentCam and CarrentObj are not defined, so you get an error.
By the way, put the code in ...code here....

Any's picture


Sorry, yesterday I overdone....
Thank you for your attention.....

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