Getting the curvelength of a line despite UVW xform modifier

I'm trying to query the length of a line, but a UVW Xform modifier changes it to an editable mesh.
Accessing the baseobject using .baseobject works but not for the curvelength function:

"-- No ""curveLength"" function for Line"

Is there a way to access my the length of my line without disabling the UVW modifier?



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henning's picture

thank you both! I now based

thank you both! I now based it on variant 2 from Anubis. I thought I could make in dynamically in a script controller but a one-click solution for every one of my lines works just as well

here is my script in case anyone is interested:

for obj in selection do (
-- disable all modifiers
obj.modifiers.enabled = false
-- set "UVW_Xform" v_tile to length of shape
obj.modifiers[#UVW_Xform].v_tile = (curvelength obj) / 200
-- re-enable all modifiers
obj.modifiers.enabled = true
lutteral's picture

something went wrong with my

something went wrong with my last post, and I can't edit it. Let's see if the code is ok now:

fn newCurveLength myShape =
	tempObj = line()
	tempObj.baseobject = copy myShape.baseobject
	theLength = curveLength tempObj
	delete tempObj
lutteral's picture

another option: fn

another option:

fn newCurveLength myShape =
tempObj = line()
tempObj.baseobject = copy myShape.baseobject
!REG3XP1!>theLength = curveLength tempObj
delete tempObj
Anubis's picture

--// variant 1 ----------- c

--// variant 1 -----------
c = copy $Line01 -- create a temp copy of the object
deleteModifier c 1 -- delete UVW_Xform modifier
cLen = curveLength c -- get the length
delete c -- delete the temp object
--// variant 2 -----------
$Line01.modifiers[#UVW_Xform].enabled = false -- disable the modifier
cLen = curveLength $Line01 -- get the length
$Line01.modifiers[#UVW_Xform].enabled = true -- enable the modifier

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