help modifying - copy viewport to clipboard

can any one help in changing gamma of the copied viewport from to 1.0 to 2.2?


macroScript Copy_Viewport_To_Clipboard
buttontext:"Copy Viewport"
tooltip:"Copy Viewport To Clipboard" 
if setclipboardbitmap != undefined then		--check whether command is undefined... if so then avg not installed or using pre 3ds max 7...
		therender = gw.getViewportDib() 	--new to max 6...
		if therender != undefined do 
			setclipboardbitmap therender	--clipboard access via AVG extension (in version 6 at least)
		therender = null
		gc()								--making sure it doesn't sit in memory any longer than needed...
		theerrormsg = "This script requires Larry Minton's AVGuard extension. You can download it from or your favorite max plugin site."
		messagebox theerrormsg title: "AVGuard Extension Not Found"


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miauu's picture
Maxis's picture

Try this script.

b1 = gw.getViewportDib()
b1.filename = @"c:\temp\b1.hdr"
save b1
close b1
free b1
b1 = openBitMap  @"c:\Temp\b1.hdr" gamma:0.5
setclipboardbitmap b1
close b1
free b1

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