Hi I just have baked my particle object.

but I found out that there are lots of particles are duplicated,

I want to delete them using a script.

I am a beginner and doesn't have much knowledge in scripting.

this is what I think i need

first i need to get a XYZ data for all the object.

and able to figure out which have same XYZ amount

then select them

and delete them ..

I think this will be simple script.. but I just don't know how to figure it out please HELP ME OUT

thank you


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how did you bake them, are

how did you bake them, are they still a particlesystem or actual objects and if so what kind of objects?

if they're actual objects use this

	for i in objects do
		local p = i.pos
		delete (for o in objects where i != o AND o.pos == p collect o)

if theyre helpers replace 'objects' with 'helpers', if theyre geometry...

Raphael Steves

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