Help the beginers // Turn off vray material parameter at once
Hi there,
For my first post, here is a little question.
Actually, I have a lot of 3D characters that have vray mtl ( some are made of blend mtl, some of classic vray mtl ).
I'd like to turn of reflections of all of them using a macroscript, but I really don't know where to start. I've used the macro listener, but it doesn't help that much. The only thing it gave me that I can understand is: sceneMaterials["CWom0324-HD2-O01P01-S"].option_traceRefraction = off, which does what I want, but only for one character.
Any help would get some definite gratitude ;)
Hope to hear from one of you guys !
All the best
to turn off Trace Reflection, you can use this simple line
Trace Refraction = off