Help with Parametric Hexagon Array: Type Error: Call needs function or class, got: 6

I'm currently working through a book called, Parametric Design for Architecture, and can't get one of the tutorial projects im doing to work. I think I need to adjust my order of operations, but am to noob to know which process's should come first for the rollout, any help is appreciated.

My Error:


--------------------------- MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception ---------------------------

-- Type error: Call needs function or class, got: 6

--------------------------- OK ---------------------------


My Script:


utility Hexagons "Hexagons"


global radius = 20.0

global spacing = 1

global rows = 6

global columns = 5

global myHexagons =#() -- an array of hexagons


--this function erases the previous grid and creates a new one.

fn generateHexagons=


--Empty the myHexagons array and delete all the hexagons in it.

hexCount = myHexagons.count

for i = 1 to hexCount by 1 do


tobedeleted = myHexagons[1]

deleteItem myHexagons 1

if(isDeleted tobedeleted !=true) then


delete tobedeleted



myHexagons.count = 0

--Create myHexagon array with parameters

offset = (cos 30)*(radius) + (spacing/2.0)


for i=0 to (columns - 1) by 1 do


for j=0 to (rows -1) by 1 do


hex = Ngon radius:radius nsides:6 scribe:1 pos:[0,0,0]

hex.wirecolor = white

case of 


(mod i 2 == 0) : move hex [(i*((radius*1.5) + (spacing * (sqrt 0.75)))), ((j*2*offset) + offset), 0]

(mod i 2 != 0) : move hex [(i*((radius*1.5) + (spacing * (sqrt 0.75)))), ((j*2*offset)), 0]



append myHexagons hex





-- Create the User Interface


spinner radius_spinner "Radius:" range:[1,5000, radius] type:#WorldUnits

spinner spacing_spinner "Spacing:" range:[-5000,5000, spacing] type:#WorldUnits

spinner rows_spinner "Rows:" range:[0,5000, rows] type:#integer

spinner columns_spinner "Columns:" range:[0,5000, columns] type:#integer

button generate_button "Generate" enabled:true


on radius_spinner changed amt do -- when spinner value changes....


radius = amt




on spacing_spinner changed amt do -- when spinner value changes...


spacing = amt




on rows_spinner changed amt do -- when spinner value changes...


rows = amt




on columns_spinner changed amt do -- when spinner value changes


columns = amt




on generate_button pressed do 





--end of utility


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bthackman's picture

figured it out, just a silly

figured it out, just a silly error in:

for j=0 to (rows -1) by 1 do

no space sorry for wasting your time lol

miauu's picture


There can be a space. This also works:

for j=0 to (rows - 1) by 1 do
for j=0 to (rows- 1) by 1 do

But you already figured out that -1 is a negative number and don't mean to substract 1 from ROWS and this causes the error.

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