

I like to hide / show my Forest Pro and Railclone Pro via HideByCategory.

HideByCategory.helpers works but HideByCategory.Forest Pro doesn't

Any solutions to make this work?

Thank you.


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jahman's picture


first you need to get the correct class name for these type of objects
you can do it like this
open the listener select one of them and run classof selection[1]

and that is how you hide/unhide nodes belonging to this class
hide (getClassInstances YourClassName)
unhide (getClassInstances YourClassName)
(YourClassName without double quotes)

remykonings's picture


It doesn't seem to be working. Am i doing something wrong?
Thank you.

classof selection[1]

hide (getClassInstances RailClone_Pro)
-- Runtime error: operation requires a collection of nodes, got: RailClone
-- MAXScript callstack:
-- thread data: threadID:22736
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- [stack level: 0]
-- In top-level

jahman's picture


yes, I was wrong.
that function returns class instances and not nodes.

try this one
hide (for obj in objects where classof obj == RailClone_Pro collect obj)

remykonings's picture


Thank you for your help.
That indeed works well :)

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