How activate state Merge Transforms when i had XrefObject ?

Hello, (I'me french, sorry for my english wrote)

I'm working on a script with importation of Xref.
But When i add a new Xref, the checkbox "Merge Transforms" is always unchecked.

I haven't found the expression to modify it...

And after the importing Xref, the animation ("transforms"), is modify by an other code of my script. I have not access to animation when the checkbox "Merge Transforms" is unchecked, so it don't work

If anyone can help me... Thanks

-- My Code...
NameObjectsXref = getMAXFileObjectNames (getMAXOpenFileName filename: "" dir:"")
XrefElement = xrefs.addNewXRefObject CheminXrefObject nomObjectsXref --modifiers:#merge manipulators:#merge dupMtlNameAction:#autoRename


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Anyone can help me ?

Anyone can help me ?

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