How can I make this update between frames on render?

I'm working on something to improve working with lights in Max. The sample below is a simplified version of a small part of what I'm doing, but it illustrates the issue I'm having. Basically, this script should allow a light's shadow type to be animated. It works while scrubbing the slider, but not while rendering multiple frames at a time. What is it I'm doing wrong?

-- Function to set a light's shadow type
fn setShadowType lit t = (
    local sg = &lit.shadowGenerator
    case t of (
        1: if classOf (*sg) != Adv__Ray_Traced do (*sg) = Adv__Ray_Traced()
        2: if classOf (*sg) != mental_ray_Shadow_Map do (*sg) = mental_ray_Shadow_Map()
        3: if classOf (*sg) != Area_Shadows do (*sg) = Area_Shadows()
        4: if classOf (*sg) != ShadowMap do (*sg) = ShadowMap()
        5: if classOf (*sg) != RayTraceShadow do (*sg) = RayTraceShadow()
        default: ()
-- Function called by ddl_ShadowType handler
fn h_ddl_ShadowType ctrl = (
    local h = ctrl.modifiers[#holder]
    setShadowType h.lit h.shadowType
-- Custom attributes for control object
ca_ShadowControl = attributes "shadowControl" (
    parameters params rollout:RO (
        lit type:#maxObject
        shadowType type:#integer ui:ddl_ShadowType animatable:true default:1
    rollout RO "Shadow Control" (
        local ctrl
        dropDownList ddl_ShadowType "Shadow Type" \
            items:#("Adv. Ray Traced", "mental ray Shadow Map", "Area Shadows", "Shadow Map", "Ray Traced Shadows")
        on RO open do (
            animButtonState = true
            ctrl = (refs.dependentNodes (custAttributes.getOwner this))[1]
        on ddl_ShadowType selected s do h_ddl_ShadowType ctrl
-- Set up callbacks
unregisterTimeCallback updateShadows
callbacks.removeScripts id:#shadowControl
fn updateShadows = (
	format "fn updateShadows\n"
	format " currentTime: %\n" currentTime
	local ctrl
	for o in objects where (o.modifiers[#holder] != undefined) do ctrl = o
	local h = ctrl.modifiers[#holder]
	local lit = refs.dependentNodes h.lit firstOnly:true
	local sg = &lit.shadowGenerator
	case h.shadowType of (
		1: if classOf (*sg) != Adv__Ray_Traced do (*sg) = Adv__Ray_Traced()
		2: if classOf (*sg) != mental_ray_Shadow_Map do (*sg) = mental_ray_Shadow_Map()
		3: if classOf (*sg) != Area_Shadows do (*sg) = Area_Shadows()
		4: if classOf (*sg) != ShadowMap do (*sg) = ShadowMap()
		5: if classOf (*sg) != RayTraceShadow do (*sg) = RayTraceShadow()
	format " classOf lit.shadowGenerator: %\n" (classOf lit.shadowGenerator)
registerTimeCallback updateShadows
callbacks.addScript #preRenderEval "updateShadows()" id:#shadowControl
-- Set up test scene
    delete objects
    p = plane pos:[0,0,0] length:200 width:200
    s = sphere pos:[37.5,25,50]
    lit = freeSpot pos:[0,0,200] castShadows:on
    ctrl = point pos:[0,0,0] size:100 box:on cross:off
    holder = emptyModifier name:"holder"
    custAttributes.add holder ca_ShadowControl #unique
    addModifier ctrl holder
    holder.lit = lit
    with animate on for k = 0 to 4 do at time k ( -- General Parameters: (Shadow Types)
        ctrl.modifiers[#holder].shadowType = k + 1	
        h_ddl_ShadowType ctrl


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Another scripter

Another scripter (PolyTools3D) helped me out on a previous project, and I thought I might be able to apply what I learned from there to this script.
My idea is that maybe I can create an array of temporary lights, each with its own shadow generator, just prior to rendering, and delete them afterward. When I run the following it works as expected, but it requires the associated function to be run by the user manually. My attempts to incorporate calling the functions directly through the callbacks result in the created script controller executing improperly.

Can anyone take a look at this and see if there is a way to fix that?

fn createShadowLightArray ctrl src = (
	L1 = copy src; = "L1"; L1.shadowGenerator = (Adv__Ray_Traced())
	L2 = copy src; = "L2"; L2.shadowGenerator = (mental_ray_Shadow_Map())
	L3 = copy src; = "L3"; L3.shadowGenerator = (Area_Shadows())
	L4 = copy src; = "L4"; L4.shadowGenerator = (shadowMap())
	L5 = copy src; = "L5"; L5.shadowGenerator = (raytraceShadow())
	global lightArray = #(L1, L2, L3, L4, L5)
	scr = ctrl.visibility.controller
	for lit in lightArray do scr.AddNode lit
	expr  = "lightArray = #(L1, L2, L3, L4, L5)\n"
	expr += "for lit = 1 to lightArray.count do try (lightArray[lit].enabled = (ctrl.lit == lit); lightArray[lit].ishidden = (ctrl.lit != lit)) catch()\n"
	expr += "1"
	scr.setExpression expr
	return lightArray
fn destroyShadowLightArray ctrl lightArray = (
	scr = ctrl.visibility.controller
	for lit in lightArray do (
		delete lit
	scr.setExpression "1"
	delete objects
	global testLight = omniLight pos:[0,0,50] castShadows:on
	global ctrl = plane length:50 width:150 lengthSegs:1 widthSegs:1 wireColor:white --isSelected:true
	ctrl.visibility = float_script()
	scr = float_script()
	ctrl.visibility.controller = scr
	scr.AddNode "ctrl" ctrl	
	scr.setExpression "1"
	ca = attributes ca attribID:#(0, 0)	(
		parameters params rollout:params (
			lit type:#integer default:1 animatable:on ui:lightID
		rollout params "Shadow Lights Control"	(
			radiobuttons lightID "Light ID" labels:#("1", "2", "3", "4", "5")
	custAttributes.add ctrl ca #unique
	callbacks.removeScripts id:#test
	callbacks.addScript #preRender "testLight.enabled = false; for lit in lightArray do lit.enabled = true" id:#test
	callbacks.addScript #postRender "testLight.enabled = true; destroyShadowLightArray ctrl lightArray" id:#test
	seed 0
	with animate on (
		for j = 50 to 0 by (random -1 -5) do at time j ctrl.lit = random 1 5
	global lightArray = createShadowLightArray ctrl testLight
Malkalypse's picture

I've edited the script to

I've edited the script to output every time the setShadowType function runs, along with the current time and the resulting shadow generator of the light.

As it renders, it displays the following in the listener:

fn updateShadows
currentTime: 0f
classOf lit.shadowGenerator: Adv__Ray_Traced
fn updateShadows
currentTime: 1f
classOf lit.shadowGenerator: mental_ray_Shadow_Map
fn updateShadows
currentTime: 2f
classOf lit.shadowGenerator: Area_Shadows
fn updateShadows
currentTime: 3f
classOf lit.shadowGenerator: shadowMap
fn updateShadows
currentTime: 4f
classOf lit.shadowGenerator: raytraceShadow

So the function is clearly being called, but for whatever reason the resulting changes are being ignored by the renderer. Hopefully this can help someone figure out what the problem is?

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