About this site
ScriptSpot is a diverse online community of artists and developers who come together to find and share scripts that empower their creativity with 3ds Max. Our users come from all parts of the world and work in everything from visual effects to gaming, architecture, students or hobbyists.
Possibly the only time...
Possibly the only time i'll be ever able to school Chris, i'll take it with my two hands!
Depending on how proper the script developer is, you might have a file with MZP extension.To install the script package, in that case, is as easy as dragging it onto the max viewport and releasing the mouse.
Either screen instructions will follow, or the script will be installed.
If the scripter ain't a serious one (like me), you might find instructions included in the script distribution zip. In he case of my tools, an installer.ms file is included in the directory of each separate script. Go into max, MaxScript->Run script menu, and finally choose the installer.ms you need. A dialog will pop up and let you know where the script command has been installed (usually under customizeUI and "Lele's Vray Tools".
Now, Chris, go study!
"If the scripter ain't a serious one"
What!?!? Lele, you da man at vray scripts!
Christopher Grant
Admin, ScriptSpot.com
duplicate signatures...
You're right. duplicate signatures... I'll see if I can get that fixed pretty quick. Unfortunately while I thought I'd be spending quite a bit of time this weekend finishing things, I was just dropped a bomb at work... Things might push back another week or two.
Christopher Grant
Admin, ScriptSpot.com
Eheh, thanks chris, but you
Eheh, thanks chris, but you know, I encrypt my scripts so that noone can see how messy they are :P
Besides, i have a steady tendency of releasing a few which work in principle, and don't work at all in some cases...
I'd love to put that down to too few testers, but at some point it's going to be healthier to recognise i do have some evident limit here and there :P
Anyways, no rush, Chris.
So far, so good.
Will try and upload a few things today, to check how that part works.
yes thanks
yes thanks can you help me ?