how to build Editable_Poly plan 2000x 2000 face?
Good day
Want to build Editable_Poly plan 2000x 2000 face?
The application hangs. Who can tell what is the reason?
p = plane name: "EP_plane" length:1.0 width:1.0 pos:[0,0,0] lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 isSelected:on
convertTo p Editable_Poly
for i=1 to 2000 do
maxOps.cloneNodes $ cloneType:#copy newNodes:&nnl offset:[i,0,0]
max select invert
AttArray = selection as array
max select invert
for i=1 to AttArray.count do
$.EditablePoly.attach AttArray[i] $
free AttArray
max modify mode
subobjectLevel = 1
max select all
$.EditablePoly.weldFlaggedVertices ()
max create mode
for i = 1 to 2000 do
maxOps.cloneNodes $ cloneType:#copy newNodes:&nnl offset:[0,i,0]
max select invert
AttArray = selection as array
max select invert
for i=1 to AttArray.count do
$.EditablePoly.attach AttArray[i] $
max modify mode
subobjectLevel = 1
max select all
$.EditablePoly.weldFlaggedVertices ()
max create mode
max modify mode
At first I thought it was a
At first I thought it was a bug in the program interface. But when testing, it turned out that both the primitive PLAN and Editable Poly are both one-sided...
how to build Editable_Poly plan 2000x 2000 face?
When you look at the result of executing this command
(Plane isSelected:on lengthsegs:2000 widthsegs:2000 )
through the interface -- length segs:1000 width segs:1000,
and this value is the upper limit !!!
then there is a value if you do a check,
and if you look at the Statistics of this object.
before converting to poly. Polys: 8 000 000
after conversion to poly. Polys: 4 000 000
What to believe ???
both are correct
before you convert to poly you're dealing with tris
The system does not allow
The system does not allow creating a primitive with such parameters
that isn't true
Plane isSelected:on lengthsegs:2000 widthsegs:2000
how to build Editable_Poly plan 2000x 2000 face?
The system does not allow creating a primitive with such parameters
Create a plane with 2000x2000 faces and convert it to Editable poly.
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