how to build Editable_Poly plan 2000x 2000 face?

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Want to build Editable_Poly plan 2000x 2000 face?
The application hangs. Who can tell what is the reason?

p = plane name: "EP_plane" length:1.0 width:1.0 pos:[0,0,0] lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 isSelected:on
convertTo p Editable_Poly
for i=1 to 2000 do
maxOps.cloneNodes $ cloneType:#copy newNodes:&nnl offset:[i,0,0]
max select invert
AttArray = selection as array
max select invert
for i=1 to AttArray.count do
$.EditablePoly.attach AttArray[i] $
free AttArray
max modify mode
subobjectLevel = 1
max select all
$.EditablePoly.weldFlaggedVertices ()
max create mode
for i = 1 to 2000 do
maxOps.cloneNodes $ cloneType:#copy newNodes:&nnl offset:[0,i,0]
max select invert
AttArray = selection as array
max select invert
for i=1 to AttArray.count do
$.EditablePoly.attach AttArray[i] $
max modify mode
subobjectLevel = 1
max select all
$.EditablePoly.weldFlaggedVertices ()
max create mode
max modify mode


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Any's picture

At first I thought it was a

At first I thought it was a bug in the program interface. But when testing, it turned out that both the primitive PLAN and Editable Poly are both one-sided...


Any's picture

how to build Editable_Poly plan 2000x 2000 face?

When you look at the result of executing this command
(Plane isSelected:on lengthsegs:2000 widthsegs:2000 )

through the interface -- length segs:1000 width segs:1000,
and this value is the upper limit !!!

then there is a value if you do a check,

and if you look at the Statistics of this object.
before converting to poly. Polys: 8 000 000
after conversion to poly. Polys: 4 000 000

What to believe ???

jahman's picture


both are correct
before you convert to poly you're dealing with tris

Any's picture

The system does not allow

The system does not allow creating a primitive with such parameters

jahman's picture


that isn't true
Plane isSelected:on lengthsegs:2000 widthsegs:2000

Any's picture

how to build Editable_Poly plan 2000x 2000 face?

The system does not allow creating a primitive with such parameters

miauu's picture


Create a plane with 2000x2000 faces and convert it to Editable poly.

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