How to check if a specific macroscript available

I hope you guys are well.
I need help checking if a specific macroscript is available before crashes happen.

when I run this, "Poliigon" "PoliigonMaterialConverter"

Its shows this in listener,

-- Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: ; position: 49; line: 1
-- Runtime error: No such macro-script: PoliigonMaterialConverter
-- MAXScript callstack:
--	thread data: threadID:4148
--	------------------------------------------------------
--	[stack level: 0]
--	In top-level

But what I want is to show a popup that this macroscript is not installed.



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Janettjeff's picture


If you're using 3ds Max, methods for checking macroscript availability involve the MAXScript Listener or functions like macroScriptExists.

miauu's picture


An ugly solution:

try( "Poliigon" "PoliigonMaterialConverter")catch(print "No such macro-script")
7man's picture

Many thanks to you. Bravo.

Many thanks to you. Bravo.

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