How to create a record button?

How to create a dontnet button to display one image when pressed once, and another - when pressed second time(for example red and grey)

		--btn = dotnetobject "Button"
                dotnetcontrol btn "System.Windows.Forms.Button" pos:[667,101] width:15 height:15 border:false
		--btn.FlatStyle = btn.FlatStyle.Flat
                btn.flatstyle = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle" Flat
                btn.Location = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Point" 1 prevh
             if i==1 then
                btn.image = (StringToImage record_red)
                btn.image = (StringToImage record_grey)

just to use that if, or there is a more correct way?


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yuanmake1's picture

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Yuan John's picture


ok! Thx Barigazy! You answered to my questions! I guess you'll have a headache because of me!

barigazy's picture

No I just try to replicate

No I just try to replicate free iToo Clone modifier with mxs modifier but I go to the dead end. It's not posible, only C++ can be solution. You already have same problem in another post:)

bga's picture

oh, yeesss

It's working great now! By the way, does this kind of menu support separators?

Is it possible with it to create smth like that?

barigazy's picture

Yup. But you can't paint in

Yup. But you can't paint in dark gray separator. Not works.
Take look of properties of context menu. I used Proffesional mode and remove left part (where you add F1)

bga's picture


About record button! It works great, THX, just didn't have time to convert it to work as btn.image, because I have image to display instead of text! By the way, does btn "CheckBox" support image?

Now about context menu! It shows just a shadow when pressing rightclick on record button-I mean about second script. See the attached image!

I appreciate very much your help, barigazy!!!! You're brave!

context_menu.jpg 38.53 KB
barigazy's picture


.net checkbox support images.
ContextMenu works fine I tested in max2012x64 and 2014x64


barigazy's picture


Disable transparency ei. put "--" (as comment) or delete this line

--maybe this cause problem
dnCM.Opacity  = 0.85d0

bga's picture

oh, thx Barigazy

I will try your code and I will let you know later! Thx again! Srry that I give so many questions!'s picture

on no

in my case it will be always red :)

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